"Comparison of knowledge and participation levels of explorer and junio" by Shirley Fay Miller

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Cecil E. Carter Jr

Committee Members

Robert Dotson, Ben T. Powell


The purpose of this study was to compare the knowledge and participation levels of explorer and junior 4-H members in open area classrooms with those in self-contained classrooms in Davidson County, Tennessee, to determine if the Extension teaching methods presently being used were equally effective in the two types of classroom situations.

The 993 boys and girls involved in the study were fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in the Metropolitan Nashville-Davidson County, Tennessee School System. Information was secured by the completion of a 50 question questionnaire.

Analyses were conducted in terms of numbers and percents; the Chi square (x2) test was used to determine the significance of the difference found in the 4-H members in the two types of classroom situations. The observed differences which achieved the .05 level were accepted as being statistically significant.

Significant findings of the study were:

1. The 4-H'ers in the self-contained classrooms attended more 4-H meetings than did those in the open area classrooms.

2. A larger percentage of 4-H'ers in the self-contained classrooms participated in the local public speaking contest.

3. Significantly more 4-H'ers in the self-contained classrooms participated in the first local demonstration contest.

4. A significantly higher percentage of 4-H'ers in the self contained classrooms participated in the art poster contest.

5. Significantly more 4-H'ers in the open area classrooms participated in the dairy poster contest.

6. A higher percentage of the respondents in the self-contained classrooms were members of 4-H Clubs organized in October or November of 1974; none of the respondents in the open area classrooms were members of 4-H Clubs organized in October or November of 1974. All of these clubs were organized in January of 1975 after the initiation of the urban 4-H program and the addition of six new 4-H workers.

7. Significantly more of the self-contained classroom 4-H'ers planned to participate in other upcoming 4-H activities.

8. A higher percentage of the 4-H'ers in the self-contained classrooms planned to enter at least one upcoming 4-H activity.

9. Significantly more of the 4-H members in the self-contained classrooms knew the 4-H pledge.

10. Significantly more of the 4-H members in the open area classrooms knew the grades in school which had organized 4-H Clubs.

11. Significantly more of the 4-H members in the self-contained classrooms knew which officers the 4-H Clubs had.

12. Significantly more of the 4-H members in the self-contained classrooms knew the meaning of the new labeling symbol found on consumer packages.

13. Significantly more of the 4-H members in the self-contained classrooms reported that they had made items from their 4-H project books. Implications and recommendations also were made.

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