"Accommodation Preferences of Traveling Families with Young Children St" by Dorothy Ann Gillespie

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Mary Jo Hitchcock

Committee Members

Ruth Highberger, Mary A. Bass


The purpose of this research was to survey hotel and motel accommodation preferences of families with children under three years. A survey of families traveling with young children in 36 randomly selected hotels and motels in four Tennessee cities was taken over a one month period.

Data were obtained through the use of a questionnaire which was designed to show family income levels of $7,001-$15,000 and $15,001 and above as well as age differences of children under three. The age range of the children included one month to 36 months.

Results showed that there were a few limited differences in the priority selection between the middle and upper income levels such as the highchair and wading pool. Age of children did show a difference of selection of preferences for items and/or services. Cribs and laundry were the highest priority items with families having children under two years of age. Families with children from two to three years of age ranked playground facilities, laundry and baby sitting service as highest priority items and/or services. Families of the middle and upper income levels and including all age groups of children indicated the highest preferences for laundry and crib facilities as well as baby sitting services.

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