Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1982
Comparison of corn silage and cottonseed hulls in complete rations for calves in confinement housing and outdoor calf hutches, Pedro Chaverri-Oller
Sensory and microbiological characteristics of grass-fed beef formulated with fat beef or pork trim, Melinda Elena Chen
Jean-Paul Sartre's Concepts of Praxis and History in his Critique of Dialectical Reason, Kyung Ock Chun
In vitro culture of flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, L., Anne L. Coker
A Functional and Distributional Analysis of Certain Notched, Grooved and Perforated Stone Artifacts from North America, Gary Ford Coleman
Biochemical, Hematological, and Pathological Observations of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains, William Joseph Cook
Longitudinal Examination of the Incidence of Obesity in Adolescent Females, Carol A. Costello
Planned development of rural communities : two case studies, Donald A. Cunningham
Characterization of the Saturated Zone Associated with the Contour Surface Mining Spoil in the New River Basin of Tennessee, Paul Shearin Dickens
Cost of producing and marketing rooted cuttings of three woody ornamental species in three Middle Tennessee nurseries, 1980, Hermon LaFayette Dickerson
Analysis of alternative grain procurement and storage strategies for Tennessee hog producers, Charles B. Dodson
Physical Growth of Preschool Children Participating in the Cherokee WIC Program, Patricia Anne Driscoll
La Clef : entre iseut et fénice, Angelique P. L. Droessaert
A synthesis of the Late Woodland Mason Phase in the Normandy and Tims Ford Reservoirs in Middle Tennessee, Betty J. Duggan
The Breakfast and Snacking Patterns of East Tennessee Adolescents, Janie M. Ezell
Suggested guidelines to aid small farmer crop selection : the case of peaches in Tennessee, Mark B. Follis
An Analysis of Anglo-American--Cherokee Culture Contact during the Federal Period, the Hiwassee Tract, Eastern Tennessee, Thomas B. Ford
A comparison of quality, value, histological and palatability characteristics of pork carcasses of varying weights, Mark Stephen Franzreb
The effects of exogenous luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) on the reproductive function of laying hens and cockerels, Aleta Lynn Gordon
Fattening patterns in yearling steers serially slaughtered after grazing spring-summer cool season grass pasture, Billy Bruce Greene
The relationship of feeder calf size and shape to rumen characteristics, Peggy J. Hamlett
Root histology of two turfgrass cultivars in response to selected herbicides, Cynthia A. Harper
Tractor instrumentation for monitoring energy inputs to implements, William Earl Hart
Characteristics of East Tennessee Christmas tree producers and their farm operations, William Keith Hart
Antibacterial activity of selected naturally occurring hydroxycinnamic acids, Paula J. Herald
The Ledbetter Landing Site: A Study of Late Archaic Mortuary Patterning, Katherine French Higgins
The effect of granular inoculants on southern peas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), Lee David Hooten
Cherokee death customs, Laura Hill Hughes
Problem Solving Strategies of Selected Managers, Carl James Ihlenfeld
Forest resource planning in Cross River State : analysis of issues, Inah Michael Inah
UNESCO's MacBride Commission Report and the Editorial Reactions of Four Major Communications Trade Publications, DeForrest Jackson
Prediction of postweaning subcutaneous fat deposition in feedlot steers, Kevin E. Jeske
Leafhoppers (Homoptera : Cicadellidae) associated with a mixed tall fescue pasture on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, Robert Emil Kelly
Reservoir seeding improves abundance, growth and food of young-of-year centrarchid bass, William B. Kitterell
Recyclable Materials in Food Service Facilities and Energy Recovery Possibilities, Mary E. Kopp
Analysis of participant characteristics and program evaluation Tennessee/Southern Region 4-H Fish and Wildlife Adult Leaders' Conference 29 April-3 May 1981, Carol E. Kounanis
Nutritional value of sweet potato residue following fermentation for ethanol, Fanny B. Larez
Prognostic Nutritional Index: Its Usefulness as a Predictor of Clinical Course, Elizabeth Fenn Lowe
Yields and nutrient relationships of corn grown in small grain-legume cover crops, John Hurst Lyle
The Quality of Turkey as Affected by Ovens of Varying Energy Costs, Marsha McNeil
Comparison of a conventional feeding program with a two-stage complete ration program utilizing cottonseed hulls as the fiber source for replacement heifers, Steven Nicholas Migioia
Species, spacing and their interactions in four southern pines, David C. Miller
Nematode community structure in dogwood, maple, and peach nurseries in Tennessee, Terry L. Niblack
Growth and food habits of adult striped bass in Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee, Stephen Carl Nifong
Characterization of a dwarf mutant of Glycine Max (L.) Merrill Var. 'Bedford', Amma Pokua Nimako
A Biocultural Approach to the Skeletal Biology of the Dallas People from Toqua, Kenneth R. Parham
Evaluation of six commercial field corn hybrids for resistance to Ostrinia Nubilalis (Hubner), Chris S. Payne
Soil acidification and sawdust amendment effects on rabbiteye blueberry growth, and the effects of acidification on soil properties, David V. Peterson
The effect of mixed fertilizers containing little or no calcium or sulfur on seed cotton yields, William Thomas Pettigrew
The Anti-Alcohol City: Social, Economic, and Political Aspects of Knoxville, Tennessee, 1870-1907, Roger Dale Posey
Activity Patterns, Movement Ecology, and Habitat Utilization of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, Howard B. Quigley
Master planting plan for Roane State Community College, Nancy W. Rennie
The effect of different pastures for backgrounding and different grain finishing periods on quantitative, qualitative, and palatability characteristics of serially slaughtered angus steers, Richard Dee Reviere
Food habits and growth of young-of-year striped bass in Norris Reservoir, Tennessee, John Michael Richardson
Effect of food components on the antimicrobial activity of phenolic antioxidants, Emilia Rico-Munoz
Insect Activity and Its Relationship to Decay Rates of Human Cadavers in East Tennessee, William C. Rodriguez III
Pigment gland expression in Gossypium interspecific hybrids, Katye Ross
Relationships between characteristics of beef producers, their production operations and their use of management practices and the number of contacts they had with extension, Floyd David Rutter
Factors Affecting Food-Related Behaviors of Adolescents, Nancy N. Salvetti
A study of blood type frequencies and association of blood types with other traits in an Angus herd, Nancy Ella Sanders
Use of a municipal sewage sludge as a source of fertilizer nitrogen : nitrogen availability and cadmium-zinc interactions, Frank J. Sikora
Plant growth regulator effects on the forage quality of tall fescue and bermudagrass, Joseph Jackson Slade
The effects of reduced tillage, time of fertilizer application, and plant population level on a diverse set of corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes, Daniel Bruce Smith
Selected factors related to 4-H membership, participation and retention of eighth grade students in Bradley County, Tennessee, Kaye Morrisette Smith
An analysis of costs of operation of Tennessee livestock auction markets, Kimberly A. Spielman
Cover crop, tillage, and nitrogen effects on corn, William E. Stevens
Effect of moisture content and method of baling of alfalfa-orchardgrass hay on chemical composition and digestibility, Alfredo A. Tineo
Variation, heritability, and gain in open-pollinated progeny plantations of Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.), Sammy David Todd
Effects of antimicrobial food additives on growth and ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus sulphureus and Pencillium viridicatum, Chao-Hsiang Tong
Direct Marketing in East Tennessee: A Study of the Bradley County Farmers' Market, Jon Traunfeld
Fluid drilling of pregerminated carrot seed, Mary Beth Vertovec
Movement Ecology and Habitat Utilization of Black Bears in Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee, Charles Rene Villarrubia
Something that mattered--the early life and criticism of Iris Barry, Tinky Weisblat
The adult Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, as a host and potential autodisseminator of the milky disease pathogen, Bacillus popilliae Dutky, Donald Ray Wimmer
Masters Theses from 1981
Effects of Ralgro® on performance of market-transit stressed feeder steers, William Ray Abner
Terrain Cover and Shadow Discrimination from Landsat Data of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Vincent Gerard Ambrosia
A history of the development of the Tri-State Farmers' Association Market in Tazewell, Tennessee, 1974-1980, Mohammad Kazem Amin
Scheduling Labor and Equipment in a Cook Chill Food Production System, Martha Jane Antrobus
Vegetation Patterns a Half Century Following the Chestnut Blight in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Ernesto Arends
Effects of adrenocorticotrophin administration during early gestation on conceptus development in swine, Jeffrey D. Arnold
Relation of parent materials and landforms to the genesis and morphology of upland fragipan soils in Weakley county, Tennessee, Christopher David Banet
The effects of selected criteria on the sale price of performance tested bulls, Bobby Dennis Banks
Serum and Whole Blood Parameters of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Diane Keiser Beeman
Geographic Metamorphosis of Old West Knoxville, Patricia Bethke Bing
Flavor and selected chemical components of ground beef from steers backgrounded on pasture and fed corn up to 140 days, John Mark Black
An economic analysis of terraces as an erosion control alternative at the farm level, William Noel Blisard
Uptake of selected heavy metal from municipal sewage sludge by tall fescue, lettuce and radish plants, Tommy Allen Bowers
The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Depletion Perturbation Theory in a Light Water Reactor Nodal Code, Stephen M. Bowman
The influence of paraffin wax coating on chemical and sensory characteristics of commercially prepared country hams, Peter Michael Brown
Relationships between numbers of extension contacts, employment and selected factors contributing to stress in Tennessee homemakers, Janet Sue Bryan
Evaluation of hydraulic spraying parameters for applying foliar fungicides in snap beans, Donley J. Canary
The development and application of aninolevulinic acid dehydratase and zinc protoporphyrin assays in dairy cattle for lead poisoning, Marilyn J. Childress
A study of the history and development of the 4-H pullet shows and sales in Tennessee, Okeke Chime
Effects of registered pesticides on growth and zearalenone production by fusarium roseum, Donna M. Churchville