Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1983
Corn yield and quality as related to sulfur accretion on Tennessee soils, Michael Briggs Bauman
Extrovertive mysticism and the inner unity of opposites : An examination of two philosophical ideas in the early poetry of James Dickey, Wallace M. Beasley
Forage intake and digestibility of Angus, Hereford, and Hereford-Angus first-calving beef females grazing fescue-legume and fescue pastures, Edward Eugene Beaver
The Effects of Supplementary Carnitine on Ethanol Metabolism, Robert Berger
Alternative models for predicting the futures market basis for Tennessee feeder cattle, Michael Bevel Bishop
Technical, Human, and Conceptual Skill Development for Potential Foodservice Administrators in Four-Year Degree Programs, John E. Brady
The digestibility of high protein and high energy feedstuffs by yearling channel catfish, Paul B. Brown
Innovative 4-H tobacco programs in selected burley and fire-cured tobacco-producing counties in Tennessee, Terry L. Brown
Relationships of preweaning cow-calf characteristics to calf characteristics at selected postweaning points of evaluation, W. L. Bryson
Relative response of sicklepod to and residual activity of some preemergence herbicides, John N. Burch
Habitat Utilization and Seasonal Movements of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Patrick C. Carr
Forest communities of House Mountain, Knox County, Tennessee and their relationship to site and soil factors, Robert Nichols Sims Crownover
Reasons Tennessee vocational agriculture teachers leave the profession, Danny Martin Curtis
Paleoecological Analysis of Holocene Vegetation, Lake in the Woods, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Jean Leighton Davidson
The Impact of Computer Use on Food Service Organizations, Stephanie D. Ference
The role of B [Beta]-hydroxybutyrate in the regulation of ketogenesis in sheep, Juan Marcos Fernandez
Micropropagation of Pinus oocarpa Schiede and Cupressus lusitanica Miller, Edgar O. Franco
Habitat Utilization and Movement Ecology of Black Bears in Cherokee National Forest, R. Steven Garris
A comparison of methods for making buttermilk using traditional fermentation and direct acidification, Susan Clarke Gettys
The role of face flies in bovine pinkeye, Harold W. Glass
Evaluation of Markov chains for projecting diameter distributions, Elizabeth Smith Groton
Response of selected soybean cultivars to metribuzin, Charles Brandon Guy
Survival Strategies for Tusculum College: An Ethnographic Evaluation of Enrollment, Student Recruitment and School Image, Steven B. Hearn
Women's Sports and Physical Education at the University of Tennessee: 1899-1939, Adam R. Hornbuckle
Effects of forage variations on young-of-year striped bass and other young predators in Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee, Michael Humphreys
Age Changes in Shape and Morphology in Arikara Subadult Ilia, David R. Hunt
Age changes in shape and morphology in Arikara subadult ilia, David Roehm Hunt
A logit analysis of no-till users in Henry County, Tennessee, Susan F. Jamnick
The Demography, Long Bone Growth, and Pathology of a Middle Archaic Skeletal Population From Middle Tennessee: The Anderson Site (40WM9), Bonnie C. Joerschke
Effect of fermentation aids during the fermentation process in experimental silos and during aerobic deterioration of corn silage, Bertil Gunnar Johnson
Evaluation of vacuum kettle processing of sorghum syrup, Dennis Wilson Jones
Multivariate Discriminant Function Analyses of the Mandible in American Caucasoid and American Negroid Populations, Dorn P. Kile
Occurrence of Acremonium coenophialum in Tennessee, Elizabeth A. Long
Effect of Age, Caloric Restriction, and Dietary Protein on Bone Composition of Male Rats, Melany H. Looper
Basin tillage for erosion control, Wilbur Thomas Mahoney
Lipids, fatty acids and flavor of beef from steers grazed on different pastures or fed up to 112 days on a corn based finishing ration, Teresa F. Mann
The effects of wax coating and vacuum packaging on the quality and yield of country-cured hams, Don R. Maxedon
Callus induction and plantlet formation from mature embryo cultures of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cultivars, Raymond Everett McDonnell
An Etiological and Epidemiological Study of Dental Caries in Children Residing in East Tennessee, Deborah Marie Mc Grath
An Etiological and Epidemiological Study of Dental Caries in Children Residing in East Tennessee, Deborah Marie McGrath
The classification and genesis of soils with spodic morphology in the Southern Appalachians, Gerard A. McGuire
Hypomagnesemia in young calves and effecfs of magnesium repletion on plasma and CSF minerals, Kathryn Anne McKim
Paleoethnobotany of the Late Woodland Mason Phase in the Elk and Duck River Valleys, Tennessee, J. David McMahan
Effect of degradability of protein on milk production and composition of early lactation cows, Jeffry Shannon Miller
Sulfur amino acid utilization by growing broilers fed practical and semi-purified diets at two energy levels, Nancy S. Mitchell
The effect of temperature, initial moisture content, and level of inoculum of aflatoxin and ochratoxin production in corn, David Carter Mobley
Soybean production systems used in West Tennessee, 1976 and 1981, Richard Donald Morris
Cover crop, nitrogen, and tillage effects on cotton as indicated by petiole analysis, Constance L. Neely
The vulnerability of Tennessee's nonindustrial private forest lands to the federal estate tax, Charles Callis Niehaus
Relationships between selected characteristics of Tennessee broiler producers, their production operations and their use of recommended management practices, Olayinka A. Ogunleye
Genotype x nutritional interactions of two year old females in terms of reproductive status, Harry Lee Peeler
Johnsongrass competition and control in corn, Kevin McDonald Perry
Development of an air-entrained rainfall simulator for field plots, Shyam Prasad Rajbhandari
Sequential cropping of vegetables on black plastic using two sources and rates of nitrogen fertilizers, Philip William Ramsey
Time and methods of liquid dairy manure application for nitrogen utilization in corn silage production, José A. Rangel
Cytogenetic analyses of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plants regenerated from tissue cultures, Janet Norwood Reed
Construction and evaluation of a multi-use modular solar hay-drying facility, Daniel Kurt Rosen
Rooting of late spring cuttings of Chinese fringetree (Chionanthus retusa Lindl.), Amy L. Russell
An economic analysis of selected insect management strategies for burley tobacco, Carroll Sasscer
An evaluation of targeting as a strategy for attaining objectives of conservation and water quality in the North Fork Forked Deer Watershed, David Garland Sawyer
Mortuary Patterning Within the Dallas Culture at Toqua, Gary T. Scott
Johnsongrass control in no-till soybeans, Barry Dale Sims
Grasshoppers (Acrididae) and other selected orthoptera associated with tobacco, pasture and hayfields at the tobacco experiment station, Greene County, Tennessee, Stuart Harris Stein
Effect of Forage Feeding and Length of Grain Finishing Period on Selected Performance, Carcass, and Sensory Characteristics of Serially Slaughtered Hereford Steers of Varying Frame Score Classifications, Henry Walker Stockley III
The nesting chronology of mourning doves in Knox County, Tennessee, Elizabeth S. Stogsdill
Estate taxation of forestry enterprises : a case study of family ownerships, Carolyn Graves Stubbs
Harris Lines as Indicators of Stress: An Analysis of Tibiae From the Crow Creek Massacre Victims, Steven A. Symes
Effects of fish attractors on sport fishing success on Norris Reservoir, Tennessee, Rowland Glenn Thomas
The utilization of compost heat in small-scale aquaculture, David A. Turner
Utilization of carp and other skeletal muscle tissues in a puffed snack food, Zaharah Wahid
Compliance of Prenatal Patients with Dietary Instructions Prior to Blood Glucose Testing and a Comparison of Mixed Meal Screening Tests to Glucose Load Screening Tests, Rebecca A. Walton
Effects of daminozide and ethephon on maturity of Red Delicious and Rome apples in Tennessee, Lauretta K. Warlick
Evaluation of sweet potato leather as a food product, Linda Jayne Washam-Hutsell
Reproduction and Denning of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains, William Gregory Wathen
Problems associated with re-breeding of sows at Ames Plantation, David Michael Watkins
Microprocessor-based, tractor-mounted soil cone penetrometer, John Blake Wilkerson
Mycorrhizae and fertiziler nursery treatments impact yellow-poplar seedlings outplanted at three locations in East Tennessee, Peter Andrew Williams
Longevity, fertility, sex ratio, and host preference of Diaeretiella Rapae (McIntosh) (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae), George Butler Wilson
Solar Air Heaters for On-Farm Crop Drying: Case Studies, Alvin Ray Womac
Masters Theses from 1982
The effect of exogenous oxytocin on the output of sperm and on the uterotonic effect of the bovine ejaculate, Cindy S. Armstrong
Factors affecting Pythium ultimum oospores : production, germination, and virulence to cotton seedlings in soil, Teresa Arroyo
An Analysis of the Aboriginal Ceramic Artifacts from Chota-Tanasee, an Eighteenth Century Overhill Cherokee Town, James Frederick Bates
The Use of Sodium Bicarbonate in Complete Rations for Lactating Cows, Brian C. Bogart
Isolation and partial characterization of an unknown virus from Cornus florida L., Tina D. Varnell Boring
Economic efficiency of land leasing agreements, Toby Matthew Boring
An Examination of the Variability in the Mississippian I and II Lithic Assemblages at the Martin Farm Site (40MR20), Tennessee, Charles Clifford Boyd
The Geology and Origin of the Sawyer Uranium Prospect, Live Oak County, Texas, Charles L. Brewster
Tennessee 4-H enrollment trends, 1960-1979, Mary Jo Lee Brinkmann
Seasat Orbital Radar Imagery Applied to Lineament Analysis and Relationships with Hydrocarbon Production in the Wartburg Basin Area, Tennessee, S. E. A. Brite
Digestibility and ruminal effects of whole stillage ensiled with fescue hay, David Mark Britton
Reservoir seeding for bass management and its effect on sunfish, white crappie, and yellow perch, Timothy Dale Broadbent
Prehistoric Mortuary Patterning and Change in the Normandy Reservoir, Coffee County, Tennessee, Tracy Charles Brown
Nesting ecology of mourning doves in Knox and Loudon Counties, Tennessee, Mark S. Burch
High-Density Lipoprotein Status of Adolescent Females and Its Relation to Diet and Selected Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Marilyn Julie Bush
Growth of adult Florida largemouth bass in two small impoundments in Tennessee, Roy Brian Card