"Growth and food habits of adult striped bass in Cherokee Reservoir, Te" by Stephen Carl Nifong

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Wildlife and Fisheries Science

Major Professor

J. Larry Wilson

Committee Members

James C. Byford, Douglas C. Peterson


One hundred twenty one striped bass were collected on Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee, from February to December, 1976, to determine food habits and growth characteristics. The study revealed fish in age classes II through VII, with age class IV being the predominant group. Cherokee striped bass grew rapidly in their first three years of life, and then their growth slowed. The condition factor (K) for Cherokee striped bass ranged from 0.74 to 1.72. Stomach analysis done on 98 fish showed that 52.6% contained food items; all food items were fish. Clupeids were the predominant type of fish found in the stomach samples with Lepomis being the next most common group. Other game fish found in the sample included one white crappie.

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