"Effects of black plastic mulch and container grown plants on yield, gr" by Gene S. Swanson

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Wayne J. McLaurin

Committee Members

David L. Coffey, Dennis Deyton, Alvin D. Rutledge


Field studies were conducted in 1980 and 1981 in Knoxville, TN to evaluate the usefulness of black plastic mulch, container grown plants and their interaction in increasing early 'Harper Hybrid' muskmelon (Cucumis melo var reticulatus) productivity. Plastic mulch, container plants and their interaction, as compared to direct seed and no mulch, were responsible for an increase in earliness in both years and had a positive effect on yield in 1980. Marketable yield in 1981 was not significantly different among these treatments. Fruit diameter was decreased by container plants in 1980 but decreased in response to the plastic treatment in 1981. Soluble solids content and degree of netting was decreased by plastic mulch in 1980 but only netting showed a decrease in response to mulch in 1981. Vine growth was accelerated by the use of container plants in 1980. Variation in yearly response was possibly attributable to distinct variations in weather conditions.

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