Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Landscape Architecture
Major Professor
E.T. Graham
Committee Members
James Caponetti, Gary McDaniel
The objective of this study was to determine whether flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, L., may be cultured by in vitro bud culture and micrografting through methods previously established for other woody plants. A low salt medium (Knop's) was necessary for survivability of the explants. Nondormant buds responded to in vitro culture more readily than dormant buds. The 6-benzlaminopurine was superior to kinetin in promoting shoot proliferation. Rooting could not be induced with NAA, lAA, IBA, or IBA in combination with phloroglucinol.
Recommended Citation
Coker, Anne L., "In vitro culture of flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, L.. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1982.