Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1981
User Preferences for TVA Recreation Areas on Watts Bar and Chickamauga Reservoirs, John R. Collins Jr.
The propagation of tree seedlings under continuous light in square, bottomless containers, Perry Anthony Cope
An evaluation of food plantings for wildlife on pine plantations in Tennessee, Thomas H. Coppinger
A General Solution for Wind Tunnel Boundary-Induced Interference in Two-Dimensional Subsonic Flow, Werner Johann Anton Dahm
Seed banks of forest soils in East Tennessee, June M. Dobberpuhl
Reproductive Biology of Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, John Heinrich Eiler
Inhibition of aflatoxin B1 production by insecticides registered for use on corn, Mohammad Elahi
The effects of addition of wheat straw, corn stalks, and alfalfa in reducing aluminum toxicity of acid soils, Engku Ismail bin Engku-Ahmad
An assesment of a technique for computer-assisted habitat evaluation for bobwhite quail on Ames Plantation, Joe Hardeman Exum
Non-selective herbicide applicators for weed control in no-tillage snap beans, Christopher A. Franklin
Attitudes and opinions of Grundy County citizens concerning the savage gulf state natural area, Jenny Moore Freeman
Sicklepod control and competition in soybeans, Jerry Eugene Freeny
The Ecology and Natural History of the Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) in the Cades Cove Campground, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, Deborah M. Goldsmith
Factors contributing to the success of young farmer and homemaker programs in Tennessee, Ishak Bin Haji Ibrahim
Development of a decreased calorie cake mix containing ascorbyl palmitate and fructose, Judy Ann McKee Harrison
The impact of land ownership characteristics or soil erosion in Tennessee, Lanny Wayne Hass
Dermatoglyphic Variability in Armenian Fingertips and Palms: A Directional Asymmetry Approach to Identify Developmental Stress, Cleone Hart Hawkinson
Some Aspects of Amino Acid Regulation in the Tobacco Hornworm, Manduca sexta, J. Michael Henry
Effects of dietary selenium on growth and selected reproductive parameters in young boars, Michael Chris Henson
Effects of potassium fertilization of fescue pastures on metabolism of magnesium, calcium and potassium in lactating beef cows, David L. Hodge
The Temascal and Humoral Medicine in Santa Cruz Mixtepec, Juxtlahuaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, Thomas J. Ibach
Minisite preparation for strip mine reclamation, Hugh Gary Irwin
Determination of cytosolic androgen receptors in the hypothalamus of the boar, Carole Jo Jennings
The effects of dikegulac sodium on budbreak in canes of Dracaena fragrans (L.) Ker-Gawl. cv. Massangeana, Ann Rhamy Johnson
Fermentation of lady godiva (Cucurbita pepo) pumpkin flesh to produce ethanol, William M. Johnson
The effect of awn removal on yield and yield components in three varieties of soft red winter wheat, Donald Craig Jones
Containerized culture of eastern white pine seedlings, Joy Kaye Keegan
An Analysis of Residential Camp Site Structure !or Two Early Archaic Assemblages from Rose Island (40MR44), Tennessee, Larry R. Kimball
The effects of late gestation feeding of dichlorvos to sows on sow productivity and pig performance, Dearl Douglas Lampley
Effect of addition of fermentation aids to corn silage on dry matter recovery, performance of slaughter heifers and digestibility by sheep, Kevin Timothy Leahy
The function of pedestrian-oriented open space in Knoxville's central business district, Wendy H. C. Lin
Color aerial photography as a guide to foliar nutrient levels and site index in loblolly pine plantations, Alan D. Lyons
Cold storage of Podisus maculiventris (SAY) : effect on survival, longevity, fecundity and egg viability, Ione Irene Maddox
A histological study of the origin, organogenesis, and embryogenesis of callus tissue derived from mature orchardgrass embryos, Judith Lynn Kerley McDaniel
Use patterns, preferences, and social impacts of floaters on three southern appalachian rivers, Cary D. McDonald
The effect of thinning on loblolly pine specific gravity as measured by the gamma densitometry technique, Deborah D. McRae
Loblolly pine provenance testing in Tennessee, John B. McRae
Effects of excess dietary methionine consumption on performance, hematology and plasma free amino acid concentrations in young poultry and swine, Jeffery Michael Merrick
Analysis of alternative hedging strategies for backgrounding feeder calves in Tennessee, Cregg Dale Miyat
Yield and growth rate of sweet potatoes as influenced by transplant orientation, David Wilson Monks
The provencal sirventes and petition poems, Diana Arvin Morgan
Selection for resistance to pythium ultimum trow within four cultivars of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Gary K. Palmer
An Examination of the Seed Rain and Seed Bank and Evidence of Seed Exchange Between a Beech Gap and a Spruce Forest in the Great Smoky Mountains, Noel Bruce Pavlovic
Vegetation of Sandstone Outcrops of the Cumberland Plateau, Bretta Elaine Perkins
The a-b Dermatoglyphic Ridge Breadth: An Indication of Developmental Significance, Anne Hawkins Prisock
A study of magnesium metabolism, depletion and repletion in young calves, Christopher K. Reynolds
Characteristics of Tennessee burley tobacco producers and relationships between selected production practices ad extension contact variables, Roger Dale Robinson
An analysis of rural home mortgage credit suppliers, Ben Terry Rudd
Adaptation of the universal soil loss equation to complex slopes as a guide for soil conservation, Mohd Safiai Saad
Food habits and growth of young-of-year striped bass in Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee, Bruce Michael Saul
Effect of soybean planting patterns on some plant environmental measurements and yield, Hamid Shahandeh
Functionality of carbonxymethylcellulose ad soy protein isolates in high-fiber dough systems, Linda G. Sherwin
The effects of local public overhead capital investments on the economic growth and development of non-metropolitan Tennessee, Carl Raymond Siegrist
Some aspects of the persistence of moraxella bovis on the external surface of the face fly (musca autumnalis) degeer, Robert Banks Simpson
Age Determination at Death from Osteon Counting by Means of Interactive Computer Graphics, Gale D. Slutzky
Blue Ridge Parkway Camper Characteristics and Their Preferences for Alternative Camping Experiences, Clinton Steven Strohmeier
Strengthening of graduate curriculum for domestic and international extension and related change agents to work with small farm clients, David James Styles
Effect of chemical inhibitors on toxin production by clostridium botulinum in canned comminuted cured meat, Shi-Chien Catherine Sung
Migration behavior of young adults reared in Putnam County, Tennessee, John Fleming Thigpen
Cultural techniques for regenerating shortleaf pine as habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker on the Cumberland Plateau, Joseph Daniel Thomas
Metal residues, hematology, and liver histology of striped bass, Mark S. Tisa
Effects of acidification of canned southern peas (vigna unguiculata) processed by a pasteurization method on some physical and organoleptic characteristics, Cherie L. Turner
Effects of weight and grade and other selected variables on prices of calves in Tennessee feeder calf sales held in the fall, William Walker
The effect of Vitamins A, D and E injections on the blood plasma of pregnant beef cows and on calf viability, Louie Keith West
North Carolina Quakers in the Era of the American Revolution, Steven Jay White
Johnsongrass competition and control in soybeans, Charles Steven Williams
Benthic Insect Community Structure in Cumberland Mountain Streams Twenty-five Years After Coal Strip Mining, Elizabeth B. Williams
Patterns of forage and milk intake by Angus calves grazing high or low quality pastures, Terry L. Worley
The Influence of Age, Dietary Protein, and Calorie Restriction on Serum Cholesterol and Triglycerides in the Male Rat, Gary Wayne Young
An economic analysis of the production of stalk-cut forced ambient air-cured burley tobacco, Mohd Shuhaimi bin Yunus
Masters Theses from 1980
Evaluation of cake doughnut with sweet potato as ingredient, Noor Aziah Bt Abd. Aziz
Analysis of alternative marketing strategies for slaughter hog producers in Tennessee, John R. Adams
Evaluation of the feeding efficiency of three systems in feeding large roll hay packages, Babatunde A. Adeyemo
Effect of form of oral iron administration prior to 24 hours of life on utilization of iron by nursing pigs, Gregory Steven Allen
Response of corn and fescue to land application of industrial waste arising from illmenite ore processing, Tony Layne Arnold
Quantitative determination of pumpkin seed amino acids by gas-liquid chromatography, Yusuf H. Bhatia
Change in concentration of volatile fatty acids in urine and vaginal secretions of ovariectomized heifers during artificially induced estrus, Thomas Eugene Bianconi
Antitranspirants as an aid in the vegetative propagation of Ilex crenata "Compacta" and Rhododendron obtusum "Coral Bells", Mustafa Kamal Bin Mohd Shariff
Relationships between characteristics of cotton producers, their production operations and their use of management practices and the number of contacts they had with extension, John Franks Bradley
Removal of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitric Oxide From a Flue Gas Stream By Two Sodium Alkalis of Various Sizes, John R. Carson
Proportions of Tennessee 4-H member in Explorer, Junior, Junior High, and Senior audience Tennessee 4-H Standard Four, FY 1978, Chʻun Chang
Heritabilities and genetic correlations of selected live body measurements of purebred angus calves, Charles Paul Chihasz
Sodium bentonite in complete rations containing maltlage and the use of maltlage in complete rations for replacement heifers, Clyde P. Cieszynski
Organic matter determination of components of high organic matter-sand-soil mixes, David S. Cochran
Effects of electrical stimulation on physical, chemical and palatability characteristics of beef produced from three feeding regimens, Alfred Benjamin Cole
Growth of endomycorrhizal yellow-poplar seedlings in fumigated nursery soil, John Phillip Conn
Effects of two mulches, yellow sticky board traps, and acephate upon abundance of Hyadaphis erysimi (Kltb.) on cabbage, Susan Corsaro
An estimation of genetic progress in Tennessee beef cattle, Donna Jo Cox
Quantitation of textured soy protein in beef blends by gas liquid chromatography of oligosaccharides, Jerry L. Crawford
A comparison of dry treatment and teat sealing as mechanisms for reducing new mastitis infections during the dry period, Martha Joyce Cunningham
Folate Status in Adolescent Girls, Hugh Wyatt Dawson
The Occurrence and Interpretation of Trauma at the Larson Site, 39WW2, Walworth County, South Dakota, Lynn Meredith Deitrick
Anthropology and the Public Schools: A Study of the Use of Anthropological Concepts in Junior High School Geography Courses in Tennessee, David W. Denny