Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Animal Science
Major Professor
M. J. Montgomery
Committee Members
K. M. Barth, K. R. Robbins
A total-collection digestion trial with 15 mature wether sheep was conducted using a completely randomized design to determine the digestibility of alfalfa orchardgrass hay comparing conventional bales ys_. large round bales at 24 and 17 percent moisture content at baling. In addition, data were collected to determine the effect of heating as a result of high moisture content on digestibility of the inside core and the outside shell of large round bales. Third cutting alfalfa-orchardgrass hay at the 1/10 bloom stage of maturity was used. Thermocouples were placed inside bales to determine temperature. Hay treatments consisted of inside core and outside shell from large round bales, and conventional bales at 24 and 17 percent moisture content. Crude protein was found to be similar at high or low moisture content. Acid detergent fiber was 47.93, 41.16, 37.41; and 38.89, 37.98 and 37.10, respectively. Acid insoluble lignin was 20.01, 10.34, 6.90; 7.54, 7.31 and 6.79. Acid detergent fiber-nitrogen was 45.86, 24.03, 27.32; 13.60, 13.17 and 9.66. Dry matter intakes were similar at both moisture levels for inside core, outside shell and conventional. Nutrient digestibility coefficients were: dry matter 48.12, 56.78, 63.78; 60.64, 62.36 and 64.08; Protein 33.23, 55.30, 71.00; 65.96, 72.52 and 74.78; Acid insoluble lignin 19.56, 18.67, 9.09; 14.00, 10.49 and 4.47; Acid detergent fiber 39.29, 51.64, 54.70; 55.39, 54.69 and 55.19; Acid detergent fiber-nitrogen 18.89, 41.07, 69.48; 48.82, 45.50 and 32.98 for the hay treatments, respectively. iiiIV Temperature inside bales reached the highest of approximately 90°C at 24 percent moisture and remained high for a period of 30 days. The low moisture level only reached a high of approximately 53°C and decreased rapidly. The nitrogen intake and fecal nitrogen were higher in round bales than in conventional bales. Urinary nitrogen and nitrogen retention were lowest in inside core at high moisture level and increased as dry matter increased. Metabolic fecal nitrogen and endogenous urinary nitrogen were found similar among treatments. True nitrogen digestibility was 47.60, 69.53, 87.53; 82.86, 87.88 and 89.58 for inside core, outside shell and conventional at 75.9 and 84.2 percent DM, respectively. Absorbed nitrogen retained was 83.42, 81.54, 77.77; 78.91, 81.39 and 78.32. Intake nitrogen retained was 27.72, 45.11, 55.22; 52.07, 59.03, and 58.58; Net protein utilization was 48.80, 66.47, 80.41; 77.94, 80.69 and 81.74; and Net protein value was 9.24, 17.70, 13.21; 12.54, 14.28 and 15.01 for hay treatments.
Recommended Citation
Tineo, Alfredo A., "Effect of moisture content and method of baling of alfalfa-orchardgrass hay on chemical composition and digestibility. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1982.