Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1979
Characteristics and management practices of selected Jamaican broiler growers in 1977-78, Radcliffe Joel Brown
Body composition and weight changes of mature grazing Angus cows, William Francis Brown
An Analysis of Trees Marked by Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Thomas L. Burst
A History of the Hunter Hills Theatre, 1956-1977, Gary Buttrey
Ascorbyl palmitate as a shortening replacer, dough-strengthener and crumb softener in commercially produced hamburger buns, Sarah Leah Cantrell
Characterization of a suitable strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus and development of flavored acidophilus milks, Velagaleti L. Charya
Development and evaluation of deep-fried, frozen sweet potato rounds, Yaakob Bin Che-Man
The quality of living in low-income southern rural counties : an index and its correlates, Moon Hui Choe
The cost of retailing milk in Knoxville, Tennessee, George K. Criner
Adaptation to Growth at Low pH by Clostridium sporogenes, Claudia Dee Crosthwait
Inheritance of sterility in mutants of soybeans, Gary E. Day
Estimates of variation, heritabilities and gains obtained from two open-pollinated progeny test plantations of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.), William K. DesBordes
The White Pine-Hardwood Vegetation Types of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Harry R. DeYoung
Rural libraries : some perspectives on resources, felt needs, and alternatives in East Tennessee, John Irvin Dorman
Racial Group Identification from the Innominate by Discriminant Function Analysis, Katherine E. Douglass
Life history aspects of the screech owl (Otus asio) in Tennessee, Linda J. Duley
Resource management guidelines for the Norris Watershed : an analysis of harvest scheduling alternatives, Dale Vincent Dunlap
Foods of Black Bears in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Thomas C. Eagle
A study of 4-H enrollment cards and enrollment procedures used by Tennessee county staffs in fiscal year 1977, Wanda Helvey Erwin
Fecal indices for prediction of forage intake and quality by steers, Richard E. Estell
The effects of whole wheat in combination with whole shelled corn as a finishing ration for beef cattle, James Travis Fain
Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic and the Corn Virus Disease Complex in Synthetic Populations of Dent Corn and Sweetcorn, Robert R. Fincher
Mineral composition and yield of tall fescue as affected by ammonium and nitrate nitrogen fertilization, Charles M. Finley
An Investigation of High Order and Low Order Dynamic Modeling of a Complete Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant, James Downing Freels
Induction of puberty and maintenance of pregnancy in prepuberal gilts, James R. Giles
World trade and the Tennessee farmer : an overview of trade-induced instability and its effects on individual farms, John Arrin Gillies
Effects of nitrogen, population, and hybrid on yield and protein content of corn, Daniel Nathanael Good
The extent of use value assessment of farmland in the East Tennessee Development District, Gerald F. Graham
A survey of visitor characteristics, preferences, and attitudes toward management in the Eagles Nest Wilderness Area, Colorado, Michael C. Gryson
Optimizing plant spacing for commercial snap bean production, Robert Samuel Guinn
Movement ecology of resident raccoons in East Tennessee, Gregory Hamilton Hardy
The relationships between reproductive performance traits of beef bulls in natural mating systems and subjective and objective parameters of sperm and related structures, Kimberley Kirnan Hawkins
A subjective evaluation of feeder cattle, Max F. Hawkins
Feed bunk and headgate requirements for large hay packages, Patricia Moore High
The Alabama River Phase: A Biological Synthesis and Interpretation, Mary Cassandra Hill
The influence of date of planting on yield and selected parameters of growth and development of ten soybean cultivars, Haron Bin HJ-Ashari
Dietary Intake and Urinary Excretion of Magnesium in Approximately 100 Preadolescent Black and White Girls, Helen Graham Huber
Identification of factors associated with variability in tenderness among beef carcasses from steers differing in breed, body type and days on feed, Dean A. Hutsell
Identification and occurrence of races of Phytophtora parasitica var. nicotianae on dark tobacco, Pedro Ricardo Jones
A Comparative Analysis of Cranial Variation in Two Recent Human Populations, Patrick J. Key
Relationship of soils and vegetation to topography and elevation in the Cumberland Mountains of Campbell County, Tennessee, William Robert Knight
Variables affecting the distributive impact of employment in new manufacturing industry in rural Tennessee, Maurice R. Landes
Effects of common cocklebur control systems on soybean yields, costs, and returns, Harri Jose Lorenzi
The Life History, Behavior, and Ecology of Etheostoma sagitta (Jordan and Swain), John Eldon Lowe Jr
Energy and Cost Analysis of Commercial HVAC Equipment: Offices and Hospitals, Robert E. Lyman Jr.
A Comparison of Several Methods for Solving Second-Order Damped Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, Vickie Lynch
Effect of soybean plant density on leaf chlorophyll content, pod, and seed characteristics, Charlie Dallas Manning
Physiological ecology of bobwhite quail on Ames Plantation, Tennessee, William Alan McRae
The Bryophyte Flora of Savage Gulf, Grundy County, Tennessee, Yvonne M. Mescall
Yellow-poplar veneer in the southern pine plywood industry, Andrew L. Miller
Some characteristics and management practices of selected Tennessee cow-calf producers in 1976-1977, Warka O. Mohamad
Spray patterns of a low-volume air-blast orchard applicator, Harold J. Norman
Rumen volume of mature cows : its relationship to forage consumption, body measurements and animal performance, Bobby Gene Nutt
Sodium bicarbonate buffered diets for marketing and transportation stressed feeder steers, Carolyn L. Orr
The results of administering various levels of Ralgro implants to yearling beef steers, Jerry L. Parker
A field test for titratable acidity and the determination of lactic acid by gas chromatography, Mahala Garrell Pearsall
Histological responses of azalea to Off-shoot-O and Dikegulac as chemical pinching agents, Susan Tai-An Peng
Variation within and among species in a pine arboretum, Adlai L. Platt
Peanut hull flour as a potential source of dietary fiber, Alan R. Post
Factors affecting the development in culture and the pathogenicity of Septoria glycines Hemmi, Teresa Jean Ragain
Effects of dietary imbalance of magnesium, calcium and potassium on plasma insulin in sheep and cattle, Nancy Ramsey
A Regression Analysis of Australopithecine Dentition, Gail Celmer Ranyard
Triglyceride composition of naked-seed pumpkin seed oil, Tae Hyong Rhew
An evaluation of CGA-43089 to protect grain sorghum from alachlor and metolachlor injury, Gilbert Neil Rhodes
Hypomagnesemia effects on magnesium, calcium and potassium balance in lactating beef cows, Richard S. Ritter
Southville Revisted, Marvin A. Rubenstein and Cynthia T. Soloway
Vertical transport dynamics of striped bass eggs, Rita J. Schrader
A discriminant analysis of Farmers Home Administration housing loans, Morgan J. C. Scudi
Yield and chemical composition of soybeans as affected by Molybdenum and lime, Dennis B. Seaton
Comparison and evaluation of soil test methods for manganese and iron, Ronald Rollins Sharpe
Evaluation of various objective measurements utilized for evaluation of milking speed, udder conformation and general body size in dairy cows, Catherine Elizabeth Cobb Sliski
Photogeologic fracture traces and lineaments in the Wartburg Basin section of the Cumberland Plateau Physiographic Subprovince, Tennessee, Mark L. Slusarski
Impact of price differentials and limited storage on soybean flows in West Tennessee, 1977, Felix Jens Spinelli
Soil/site-forest cover relationships within the Hatchie River floodplain of West Tennessee, Rogers Menzies Steed
Establishment of Content Validity and Interrater Reliability for a Presentation Performance Evaluation Instrument: Applicability of a Model, Wanda L. Sterbenz
The Density, Distribution, and Activity Patterns of Woodchucks in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cathy A. Taylor
Movements, activities, and survival of translocated raccoons in East Tennessee, Curtis I. Taylor
A comparison of six farrowing house slat materials, Leland C. Thompson
Addition of vegetable fat (hydrogenated soybean oil and palm oil) to ground beef, Ibrahim Musa Tibin
The Effects of Two Organizational Patterns on Reading Achievement in First Grade, Sylvia Sisk Vanzant
Influence of location, soil types, and herbicide rates of cotton response to fluometron and trifluralin, Bert F. Viar
Summer habitat selection by striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee, 1977, Harold R. Waddle
A case study of the impact of public investment expenditures in Hancock County, Tennessee, Deborah K. Wagner
Analysis of 15 years of University of Tennessee continuous forest inventory data, Edison Eric Watson
The potential for increasing net incomes on limited resource farms in Upper East Tennessee, Dennis J. Weller
Nutritive value for yearling beef steers of pastures of orchardgrass-clover, fescue and midland bermudagrass alone or with fescue or legumes, Terry Lee Zachary
Masters Theses from 1978
The requirements of business and industry for qualified ornamental horticulturists, Edgar Lee Abbott
The role of agricultural cooperatives in economics and social development in Iraq, Hassan Younis Al-Samarrai
Heat inactivation of trypsin inhibitor in vegetable-type soybeans and physiological responses of rats to these beans, Brenda Faye Beaty
The effects of tylosin on egg production, feed efficiency, and egg quality of Single-Combed White Leghorn hens, Susan Jo Bentley
The relationship between foliage color and foliar nutrient levels in loblolly pine, Charles R. Blinn
Survival, movements and food habits of released pen-reared bobwhite quail in Tennessee, George R. Buckner
Fragmentation of loin steaks from U.S. commercial and U.S. utility beef carcasses, Chris Richard Calkins
Analysis of shipping and receiving cotton by gins, gin-warehouses, shippers, and textile mills in Tennessee, John Cooper Campbell
Water quality as related to the concentrations of nitrate-N, chloride, orthophosphate-P, and dissolved solids in runoff from agricultural watersheds, Jimmy C. Castellaw