"Forest resource planning in Cross River State : analysis of issues" by Inah Michael Inah

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

D.M. Ostermeier

Committee Members

K. Schell, G.R. Wells, J. Spencer


The study is an effort to:

1. Review and analyze methods of forest resource planning to see how the existing knowledge can be applied to resource planning problems in the Cross River State forestry sector in Nigeria.

2. Review and analyze the planning environment regarding forestry in the Cross River State of Nigeria.

3. Develop an Agenda for improving forest resource planning in the Cross River State.

Most of the information for this study was gathered through library research and the author's contact with resource planners in the U.S.A. Also part of the information comes from the author's experience while working with the Cross River State Forest Service.

The Cross River State Forest Service is charged with the responsibility of administering the policy and laws relating to one of the state's most important natural resources--the forests. This is a heavy administrative burden because the forest resource base faces increasing use pressures due to the rapidly rising population. Given relatively scarce forest resources, past management and planning procedures will not satisfy future demands.

Accordingly, there is need for the state government to rekindle its interest in long-range forest resource planning. A realistic process is needed to guide and develop the resource planning effort and the activities of the forest service. Such a planning process and state-wide forestry plan should spell out the role of the Cross River State Forest Service within the National Forestry Plan and identify the programmes necessary to fulfill this role.

Planning in general and forestry planning were reviewed. Samples of forestry plans from various states in the U.S.A. were analyzed. The common elements in these plans are the utilization of public involvement in plan design and the adoption of a planning process which consists of the following planning elements: issue identification; goal formulation; development of alternatives; evaluation and selection of alternative; implementation of the alternative chosen; and feedback.

An overview of the Cross River State planning environment is developed and outlines the economic, demographic, socio-cultural and institutional conditions impacting planning. Further background for understanding the specific barriers to forest resource planning and development in the state is also provided. Suggestions are made on how to solve the problems of data, personnel, finance, and organization. These issues are the priority items to be considered in trying to improve forestry planning in the Cross River State. Finally, a summary of the need for a state forestry plan and recommendations on potential areas of improvement are provided.

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