"Leafhoppers (Homoptera : Cicadellidae) associated with a mixed tall fe" by Robert Emil Kelly

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Entomology and Plant Pathology

Major Professor

Lyle E. Klostermeyer

Committee Members

Reid R. Gerhardt, Ernest C. Bernard


In a two year study period (1980-1981) a survey was made to identify the leafhoppers associated with a mixed tall fescue pasture on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Using a D-Vac® suction sampler, a total of 33 species representing 27 genera in 6 subfamilies of Cicadellidae were collected. Eight species were considered abundant: Agallia constricta Van Duzee, Aphrodes serratulae (Fabricius), Dikraneura angustata Ball & DeLong, Forcipata loca DeLong & Caldwell, Latalus sayi (Fitch), Polyamia weedi (Van Duzee), Endria inimica (Say), Amblysellus curtisii (Fitch). The seasonal abundance of these species was discussed and comparisons were made as to the effect of cutting on these species.

Three insecticides (Counter® 15G, Cygon™ 400, and Malathion 57EL) were evaluated for their effects on leafhopper numbers and forage yield. Both Counter and Cygon significantly reduced total leafhopper numbers on some sample dates. In 1980, yield was significantly greater in the plots treated with Counter than in the untreated check plots. There were no significant yield differences in 1981.

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