Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Landscape Architecture
Major Professor
John W. Bay
Committee Members
Merton B. Badenhop, Hendrick van de Werken
The objective of this study was to develop an accurate means of computing total production and marketing cost incurred in propagating a woody ornamental cutting in Tennessee. A form developed by Oregon State University Agricultural Extension Service personnel was modified for production and marketing practices used by propagators in Middle Tennessee. Production and marketing costs were determined for three species of woody ornamental rooted cuttings produced by three commercial propagators.
Production and marketing costs per salable rooted cutting varied between species and among growers. Labor expense was the major cost in the total production and marketing cost per cutting. Both cash and non-cash costs were considered when computing production and marketing cost. Non-cash cost was a significant portion of the total production and marketing cost per salable rooted cutting.
Recommended Citation
Dickerson, Hermon LaFayette, "Cost of producing and marketing rooted cuttings of three woody ornamental species in three Middle Tennessee nurseries, 1980. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1982.