Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1988
An economic feasibility study for a fresh vegetable packing facility, Robert Mason Ball
The effect of feedlot realimentation on the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of mutton, William Nathaniel Gale Barron
The effects of adding highly digestible fiber to conventional corn-corn silage based growing beef cattle rations, Mary Alice Battrell
The effects of adding highly digestible fiber to conventional corn-corn silage based growing beef cattle rations, Mary Alice Battrell
Social Validation of a Creativity Measure, Elizabeth Kay Bennett
Water-quality-induced stress upon striped bass populations in three East Tennessee reservoirs, Denise L. Benson
Water-quality-induced stress upon striped bass populations in three East Tennessee reservoirs, Denise L. Benson
Cellular response of two turfgrass cultivars to selected herbicides, John M. Bogert
Cellular response of two turfgrass cultivars to selected herbicides, John M. Bogert
The swine leukocyte antigen system and its relationship to vascular allograft survival, Joan E. Bray
The effect of crude protein and metabolizable energy levels on the efficiency of nitrogen retention and energy utilization by the weanling pig, Patrick Kevin Brown
An economic analysis of the marketing trends of the wholesale nursery industry in Tennessee, Harry Dott Bryan
An economic analysis of skip-row cultural practices in the field production of burley tobacco, Thomas Jette Bundy
Specific plasma endocrine and protein changes in the conventionally reared and artificially reared neonatal pig from birth to six weeks of age, Shawn Frey Charles
Effects of Coefficient Errors on the Performance Predictions of a Typical Fighter at Medium Altitude, John D. Cloyd
An economic analysis of selected sucker control systems for burley tobacco, Mark L. Cook
Community, Violence, and the Nature of Change: Whitecapping in Sevier County, Tennessee, During the 1890's, William Joseph Cummings
The evolution of basic physical geography, 1892-1967 : an analysis of American physical geography textbooks, Michael S. DeVivo
Otogeny of the embryo in Cornus florida L., Joseph T. Dietrich
Effects of Staphylococcus Aureus infection on bovine mammary gland plasma cell populations and immunoglobulin concentrations in milk, Mehmet Z. Doymaz
Responses of soybean ancestral lines and cultivars to simulated acid rain, Deborah Landau Ellis
The Importance of Competition for Food Resources in the Interaction Between Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri), William E. Ensign
The use of Trichoderma spp. to reduce seedling disease severity in cotton, Cipta Ginting
Host families' perceptions of The Tennessee 4-H/LABO exchange program, Teresa Ann Goddard
The effects of fertilization, irrigation, and site factors on growth of forest tree species, James P. Groton
The effect of storage conditions on selected quality attributes of sweet potato flour, Susan Ulm Gurkin
Effect of rates of applied phosphorus and soil storage temperature on P availability of a low-P loess-derived Alfisol, Steven Duane Hardin
Development of a baked, breaded vegetable product with defined nutrient level, Kamarudin bin Hasim
Preparation, Characterization, and Catalytic Reactivity of Immobilized Rhodium Olefin Catalysts on 𝞬-Alumina, Terry L. Hatmaker
The Influence of Job Characteristics on Organizational Commitment to Job Satisfaction of Foodservice Employees, Carole M. Herman
Direct injection systems for agricultural chemical applicators, Kevin Dwayne Howard
Opinions and attitudes of practicing Consulting Foresters about the TVA/ACF Consulting Forester Assistance Program, Kevin P. Hoyt
Use of growth parameters of feeder steers to predict finishing performance, Teri L. Ingle
Freeze probabilities and cumulative heat sums : their effect on Tennessee vegetable producers, John Thomas Ingram
Effect of season on the metabolizable energy requirement for broiler growth, carcass yield and carcass composition, Ernest Izevbigie
Effects of hydrocooling on the quality of sweet corn, Linda Lee Johnson
Relationships between characteristics of Tennessee corn producers, their farming operations and their use of recommended production practices, John Adrian Chip Jones
Selected characteristics of Tennessee MANAGE program participants and their rating of the program in relation to their satisfaction with the changes they made after participating in MANAGE, Patricia Darnell Jones
Bovine mammary secretions during involution and the peripartum period: relationship with mastitis pathogen growth, Vijay Kumar Juneja
Comparison of selected reduced-tillage planting systems in cotton and soybeans, Mark S. Kearney
Landform and soil development on the Conasauga Group of the low-level waste disposal site at Bear Creek Valley, Tennessee, Ricky Edward Lambert
The influence of pH on the cellular composition of Yersinia enterocolitica, Laure Lynn Larkin
Effects of ingredients on the survival of Campylobacter jejuni in processed turkey hams, Boyd J. Lee
Structural Geology and Finite Strain Analysis of the Precambrian Thunderhead Sandstone Along the Greenbrier Fault and the Roundtop Klippe: Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, Jonathan C. Lewis
Development of a hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibody to citrinin, John Eric Line
An Analysis of Topographic Effects on LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Image Using Digital Terain Data, Xiaomin Liu
A spatial modeling tool for agricultural systems, Joel B. Lown
Relationships Among Interpretation, Site Characteristics, and Vandalism, Sara Frances Main
The influence of boron on the morphological development and cell wall composition of Brassica oleracea var. italica, Sheryl Ann Evans Martin
Somatic embryogenesis of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat., Roger Alan May
Methods for artificially rearing colostrum-deprived and early weaned pigs with subsequent survival, performance and serum profile, Jerry A. McClain
Rating of 29 community problems as perceived by rural leaders in Tennessee counties, 1980 compared to 1984, J. W. McGuire
Construction and evaluation of a mobile sorghum cane harvester, John Thomas Miller
Comparison of methods of selection to increase weaning weight of beef cattle, Michael Hiram Morris
A Robot Navigation Algorithm for Moving Obstacles, Lynne E. Parker
Developing a mathematical model for vegetative plant growth in broccoli, Brian D. Pennell
Effects of seven modified gas atmospheres on the survival of Campylobacter jejuni in processed turkey roll, Randall Kent Phebus
Genesis of soils from ancient alluvium, Maryville Limestone and Nolichucky Shale in East Tennessee, Debra Helen Phillips
The Knoxville City Schools Proficiency Project: A Summary Analysis of Three Years and Year-Three Results, Kathleen S. Puckett
An assessment of the home economics educational needs of potential black clientele in Hamilton County, Tennessee, June Annette Puett
Prediction of Forest Type and Productivity Index on Disturbed Sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Charlotte Pyle
A laser-based triggering system for remote actuation of tractor-mounted instrumentation, Jinliang Ren
Infant/Weanling Mortality in Tennessee's Prehistory: A Comparative Approach, Rick R. Richardson
Studies on the threonine requirement of weanling pigs : effects of protein level and amino acid excess, Kevin Douglas Roberson
Seasonal phenology and bionomics of clearwing moths in Tennessee, Laura E. Rogers
Chemical components of ground beef produced on grass-or grain diets and their relation to beef flavor, Robert Alois Schell
Development of methodology for evaluating agro-industrial byproducts as potential feed ingredients for ruminant diets, Daniel M. Sevcik
The economic feasibility of rural recycling : a case study approach, Lowell Kenneth Shaw
Colonization and parasitism of females and eggs of Meloidogyne incognita by fungi, Velinda K. Smalley
Influence of fat source on acceptability of mutton patties, Maggie Ruth Smith
Ultrastructural morphometric analysis of the uterine epithelium during early pregnancy, Scott Edward Smith
Relationships between Tennessee homemakers' employment status, household size, club membership and extension contacts and their use of clothing construction practices, Loretta Ann Sparn
Allelopathic effect of landscape mulches on the germination of weed seeds and growth of ornamental plants, Karen Kay Stein
Response of selected plant characteristics of a normal and a shrunken-2 sweet corn cultivar to fertilizer nitrogen, Richard Allen Straw
Evaluation of temperature, microbial load, and water activity on storage stability of heat processed sweet sorghum juice, Abiodun Olabisi Sunmonu
Sampling intensity and timing for estimating acremonium coenophaialum incidence in fescue pastures, R. Wayne Thompson
Developing and evaluating continuously changing schedules for Hardwood lumber dry kilns, Richard L. Toennisson
A study of the effects of environmental light and temperature on selected blood and urinary factors in broilers, Waleed Odeh Twal
L'heroisme selon certains testes hagiographiques du debut du Moyen-Age, Caludine J. Vialle
Relationships between selected characteristics of Tennessee beef producers and their use of health management practices and the number and type of Extension contacts, Steve Edward Walker
Growth and survival of salmonella and campylobacter in chicken nuggets as a function of temperature, Martha Mary Walline
Structural Geometries, Fabrics, and Stratigraphic Relationships in the Cades Cove Region, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, Randy R. Walters
A Survey and Distributional Analysis of the park Coccoid Fauna of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Evirons, John Keith Watson
A Relationship Between Vitamin B12, Folate, Ascorbic Acid, and Mercury Metabolism, Nancy Elizabeth Zorn
Masters Theses from 1987
The behavior and control of sicklepod under field and greenhouse conditions, Timothy Edward Adcock
The behavior and control of sicklepod under field and greenhouse conditions, Timothy Edward Adcock
A comparison of cooked beef rolls made from flaked pre-rigor and post-rigo beef, Ola Marie Archer
A comparison of cooked beef rolls made from flaked pre-rigor and post-rigor beef, Ola Marie Archer
Relationships between selected personal and family characteristics of Tennessee homemakers and their use of clothing construction practices, Berniece Wilson Atkinson
Relationships between selected personal and family characteristics of Tennessee homemakers and their use of clothing construction practices, Berniece Wilson Atkinson
Influence of feeder pig body type on performance and fat deposition, Craig D. Bacon
An evaluation of nonselective and selective pricing strategies for finished hog producers in Tennessee, Kevin D. Banker