Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1990
Application of the MCA method to determine in-flight drag of a propeller driven aircraft, John K. Gibby
Asian indians in Knoxville as consumers: a survey, Monica Godbole
Depositional and diagenetic history of the lower Silurian 'basal transgressive sandstone' in the Southern Appalachians, Anne Ruth Gogola
A neural network for the analysis of test data from the aeropropulsion systems test facility, James Brown Golden
General purpose field computer simulator, Tomislav Goles
Mating systems in Marasmius, Scott Allen Gordon
The flying qualities and carrier suitability of the mirage 2000 aircraft, Dominic L. Gorie
Liebe, Entsagung und Tod in Effi Briest : Versuch einer thematischen Neuorientierung aufgrund der Untersuchung einiger Erzählmittel, Nan Parker Gray
The effects of gamma radiation on JFET and bipolar transistors with application to the SSC, Ronald Bryce Gray
Neandertal Craniofacial Growth: An Ontogenetic Model, Michael David Green
A feasibility study of using a modified Lockheed S-3A Viking aircraft for the long range insertion missions of special operations forces., Raymond J. Griffith
A descriptive study of broadcast media brokers, Richard Spencer Gross
Supersonic nozzle contour design using the method of characteristics with boundary layer corrections, John P. Grubb
Institutional issues and problems in East Tennessee's water utility districts and the application of regional approaches, Mark Edward Hairr
Work attitudes of traditional and non-traditional technical community college students, Glenda Sue Hall
Quiescent isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of isotactic polypropylene, Ahmed Hammami
Soil and landform relationships on a Cambrian and Mississippian geologic sequence in eastern Tennessee, Nathan T. Hartgrove
Denning ecology of two black bear populations in the Arkansas highlands, Stephen Gordon Hayes
Differential mRNA stabilities of herpes simplex virus type 1, Donald Henley
The potential of integrating ground test data into the flight test investigations for the evaluation of aircraft performance and flying qualities, Steven C. Herzig
Investigation of existing lead paint removal procedures and development of cost model for effective removal, Yon Long Hew
Content analysis of political television commercials of the Peruvian election campaign of 1990, Augusto Hidalgo
Characteristics of Warren County nursery producers, their farm operations, contacts with extension, and their use of selected fertilization practices, David Grifton Hill
A CFD laboratory expert system environment for free surface hydromechanics flow analysis, ALbert McGuire Hines
Induced cell death in the leukemia cell line, K-562, by specific antibodies, James W. Hodge
Two-way interactive television in education : a historical overview and case study of project TIDSS, Timothy J. Hogan
Aging, peers, and the propensity for crime : a contextual analysis of criminal decision making, David Honaker
Quiescent and Oriented Crystallization Behavior of Linear Low Density Polyethylenes, Lawrence S. Hood
A box structure ADA design language, Scott L. Hopkins
Response of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) populations to seasonally unpredictable perturbations, Michael Joseph Horn
Portal-Drained Viscera, Hepatic and Lower Hindquarter Net Flux of Nitrogen and Energy Metabolites in Ruminants Fed Protein Supplements Containing Increasing Amounts of Bound Nitrogen and Structural Carbohydrates, Byron Clark Housewright
Technical evaluation of the navigation system installed in the EF-111A airplane, Scott J. Howe
Knowledge engineering methodology investigations for intelligent hypertext manuals with a prototype aerospace implementation, William Andes Hoyt
The animal helper in German and Chinese fairy tales, Shao-Fang Huang
Joanna Baillie: drama, morality, and passion, Laurie B. Hughes
Reducing barriers to sex education and counseling for clients who are mentally retarded : professional views, Cristy F. Huntley
The effects of increased bacterial metabolic diversity on the corrosion of carbon steel, Richard Friedrich Jack
Assignments for a project oriented digital design laboratory course, Robert H. Jastram
Ortega Y Gasset's conception of philosophy, Wendie S. Jekabsons
A comparative case study of the community relations of two chemical companies, Brendan D. Jennings
Development of a temperature probe radiation shield which is heated by the combustion of gases, Michael R. Johanson
Toughness of tempered bainitic microstructures in a 4150 steel alloy, David Ray Johnson
Motion control software package for the U.T. Robot, William Steve Johnson
Analysis of wind measurement techniques and atmospheric stability modeling for the Catapult Launched Fuel-Air Explosive Land Mine Countermeasure System, Alan E. Johnston
Prehistoric Subsistence Patterns on the North Carolina Coast: Nutritional Status as Measured by Cortical Bone Area, David C. Jones
A graphics interface and an evaluation of parallel alpha-beta search algorithms for a mechanical bridge player, Elizabeth McFarlin Jones
Quantifying the effects of soil erosion on crop productivity, Jan Recia Jones
Optimum base/gate drive strategy of a PWM inverter and precision estimation of AC output voltage and DC link current, Ravindra P. Joshi
Network data structures and representation in the simulation of neural networks, Charles William Joyce
Alpha-decay of mass-separated gold and platinum isotopes, Md-Said Bin Kassim
Evaluation of nitrate distribution in long-term no tillage corn production under three cover situations and three rates of nitrogen, Wickson Temwa Kawonga
Time series analysis of touch interventions : case study of the therapeutic relationship of a hospice client and a nurse-massage therapist, Susan Coleman Kay
A large volume microwave plasma facility for plasma ion implantation studies, Philip Frank Keebler
A numberical study of local crack-tip fields for modeling cleavage fracture initiation, Janis Keeney-Walker
A critical evaluation and experimental test of the conservative assembly hypothesis, David Arthur Kenny
A sensor using raman spectroscopy for on-line composition monitoring of distillation mixtures in real time, Stephen W. Kercel
The implementation of the simple gateway monitoring protocol, Kenneth W. Key
Soil genesis and classification of the high stream terraces on the Eastern Highland Rim in Tennessee, Anthony R. Khiel
Phorbol ester mediated inhibition of tyrosine aminotransferase gene expression, J. H. Kim
A MAP to data highway implementation using manufacturing message specification, Mark Steven King
Population dynamics and food habits of the crappie populations of Douglas Reservoir, Tennessee, Richard A. Kirk
Effects of soil pH on the efficacy and persistence of several imidazolinone and sulfonylurea herbicides, Kermit Bruce Kirksey
In vitro inhibition of phomopsis phaseoli by microorganisms acquired from the environment of the soybean, Tamera D. Klingbyll
The effects of temperature on growth and other physiological parameters of Daphnia magna, Georgios D. Kokkoris
An analysis of the murine CD4+,Class II MHC-restricted cytotoxic tlymphocyte response to herpes simplex virus type 1, Gerasimos Kolaitis
Analyzing the flow characteristics of a fluidic oscillator, Harry James Kowal
Risk discriminators related to the incidence of preterm labor or delivery, Virginia Anne Kramer
The demand for meat in Japan: disaggregation and its effect upon estimated demand, Bruce Lambert
An investigation of improving the performance and flying qualities of the BK-117A-3 helicopter, Vincent L. Lamolinara
Correlation of surface finish and cover gas with weld defects in autogenous AL 5083 laser beam welds, Michael L. Languell
Ventilatory muscle fatigue in prolonged exercise, Betty R. Lawton
Investigation of the application of statistical analysis tools to commercial aircraft engine performance and design, Gary Dwight Ledbetter
An experimental method for developing J-R curves from load versus crack length records, Kang Lee
The development of a microcomputer-based integrated location and transporation model, Sang Yool Lee
Synthesis, characterization and mechanistic studies on the ion-exchange/precipitation class III dual mechanism bifunctional polymers, Guanghe Liang
Proxemic zones and the spatial organization of the micro-environment, Donna Everhart Liberto
Counterterrorism : tracing the consequences of a flawed strategy, an anatomy of the decision making process to bomb Libya, Christoph J. Liedtke
The effects of an intergenerational recreational program on children's attitudes toward the elderly, Diane S. Livermore
An evaluative study of geo-demographic database systems, Roy Charles Longman
Estimates of variance components and heritability for seed yield in two soybean populations from an incomplete vs. complete block design, G. Alan Lowman
Alternating direction implicit iteration solution of Lyapunov equations, An Lu
The effects of dietary and social experience on the development of behavior in Butler's garter snake, Thamnophis butleri, Lani P. Lyman
The enemies of feminism : a Burkeian analysis of Gloria Steinem's advocacy, Anita L. Maddox
The Supreme Court Justice from Knoxville: The Politics of the Appointment of Justice Edward Terry Sanford, John H. A. Maguire
The origins of technical writing instruction in the United States with a survey of technical writing texts 1908-1977, Stuart W. Maher
Regeneration of Senecio x hybridus Hly. (florists'cineraria) by somatic embryogenesis, Kathleen Renick Malueg
Impact of Intensity of Nutrition Intervention Within Diagnosis-Related Groups, Alicia K. Mandel
Performance of simple genetic algorithm on randomly generated problems, Norman Ma
Strategies for cloning the glucan synthase gene of candida albicans, Karen Tucker Marcus
Learned helplessness and self-esteem in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Jane M. Mayo
How a deaf child begins to learn logo: a case study, Amy R. McDaniel
An experimental study of a vertical cooldown line with LN2, Terry L. McGee
Business news and local radio, William Price McGinnis
The influence of parental experience on parent-infant interactions in the common marmoset, Callithrix jacchus, Christine M. McGowan
An investigation of vehicle operating mode profiles for use in preparing a high-resolution emission inventory, Cynthia M. McIlvaine