Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1990
Computer simulation of pressure driven flow through particles in gel permeation chromatography, Peter E. McKenzie
Estimation of Stature From Metacarpal Lengths, Lee Meadows
The Biltmore estate (1888-1895) : a historical documentation of the landscape development designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Pamela Lynn Messer
Food competition in pairs of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), Anne Michels
A multilayer cooperative/competitive method for grouping and organizing related image segments, Veronica S. Minsky
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and CO2 chilling on the shelf-life of fresh beef loin steaks, Douglas S. Mitchell
International assistance and organizational development: constraints on nature conservation in Belize, Michael S. Mitchell
A prototype expert system for performance evaluation of liquid-fueled rockets, Peter A. Montgomery
Before the first assignment : a synoptic discussion of orality, literacy, and affect for the new Freshman English teacher, Gregory W. Mowris
A High Performance Detector Electronics System for Positron Tomography, John Clifton Moyers, Jr.
Implementing a geographic information system : guidelines for local governments, Muiruri K. Muchane
The uptake of nitrogenous nutrients by phytoplankton in the waters of the fram strait during spring 1989, Deborah Lynn Muggli
Guidelines for selecting roadway cross-sections in developing urban/suburban areas, Dibyendu Mukherjee
Influence diagnostics in nonlinear regression, Jennifer L. Mullins
Molecular recognition mechanisms displayed by polymer-supported reagents : fourier transform infrared studies, Rosario Munoz-Martinez
SSME nozzle flow field calculations using equilibrium PARC code, Brian L. Myruski
Dynamic Modeling of a Pressurized Water Reactor Plant for Diagnostics and Control, Masoud Naghedolfeizi
The economic importance of agricultural production in selected rural persistent poverty counties in Tennessee, Robert Harrison Neal
A digital signal processing algorithm for laser particle size and velocity measurement, Andrew Eric Nelius
Scaling and corrosion effects on cooling system water after chemical of R/F treatment, Mark R. Nelson
Reed - muller codes, Michael D. Nestor
Biohydrogenation of soybean oil in spray dried casein-oil emulsions from different treatments, Susan Dianne Byrd Newberry
An experimental study of droplet combustion at high-pressures, Christian M. Norton
Effect of endophyte-infected tall fescue on the japanese beetle and other selected soil insects, Jason B. Oliver
Role of surface conditions in the enhancement of heat transfer rates in convective boiling, Adel Omrani
Analysis of a coal refuse dam subject to potential mining-induced subsidence, Anthony Chester Orlowski
Undergraduate and graduate programs in technical communication, Margaret Ortigara
Modeling speedup in parallel sparse matrix factorization, Laura Susan Ostrouchov
A descriptive study of select music and recording industry attitudes toward digital sampling technology, Denise M. Parker
Holographic interferometric study of natural convection along a vertical plate, William P. Partridge
Development of a practical method of measuring the modulation depth of the NTSC television visual carrier, James C. Patterson
Magnetohydrodynamic generator insulated wall boundary layer modeling, Eric Royce Perrell
Slight stress does not lower critical thermal maximums in hatchery-reared rainbow trout, Roger B. Petrie
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa flagellar antigens and monoclonal antibodies, Delores Ann Philips
The effects of different backgrounding pastures and length of grain finishing period on carcass, chemical and sensory characteristics of beef from angus, hereford and crossbred steers, Fred William Pohlman
Effect of impingement oven precookery and reheating on physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of beef top loin steak, Thomas Hamilton Powell
The Reproductive Biology, Winter Dormancy and Denning Physiology of Black Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Stephen Anthony Pozzanghera
Voices of the seasons : a collection, Bonnie M. Priebel
A comparison of military and civilian staff nurse perceptions of the communication processes within their respective organizations, LaVerne Puckett
Development of the High Vacuum Steady-State Orbitron MASER, Mark S. Rader
D.H. Lawrence and time: a look at the Plumed Serpent, Sandra Renée Ransier
A numerical study of thermally-driven convective wave phenomenon, John P. Raulston
An efficient finite element methodology for hyperthermia analysis, Subrata Rāẏa
Development of a system to facilitate the study of R67 dihydrofolate reductase, Lisa J. Reece
Criticality safety studies of a proposed uranium-zirconium metal alloy fuel production facility, Kevin Howard Reynolds
The use of sodium lactate as an antimicrobial agent in pork, Mavis Jeanette Richardson
Satellite telemetry systems: a case study of tracking a moving object, Carey Ruth Roberts
An assessment of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis using the Boas data for the Micmac and the Pacific Northwest tribes, Sheralyn D. Robinette
A study of complementary phase code pairs in frame synchronization, Troy D. Robinson
Design and performance of a shieled high velocity thermocouple probe in a high-temperature, seeded-coal-combustion exhaust stream, Whitney J. Robinson
Spur diffusion model for radiolysis of aqueous solutions, Eileen W. Ruppel
Graphic communication in the retail setting, Karen S. Sanborn
Tractive performance of lawn and garden tractor tires during vehicle operation on turf, Joe R. Sarten
A qualitative assessment of a passive low attitude terrain following system for tactical bombers as modeled on the Tornado aircraft, John William Scanlan
An experimental investigation of the ignition and combustion phenomena of laser-ignited boron agglomerates in a flowing oxygen environment, Chris B. Schechter
Effect of turn signal usage on delay at three-legged intersections, Michael H. Schrader
Inter-and intra-individual behavioral variability during agonistic interactions of the funnel-web spider, agelenopsis aperta: do spiders have individual personalities?, Robert J. Sepanski
Relationships between selected personal and family characteristics of Tennessee EFNEP homemakers in extension district one and their increased use of food behavior practices upon graduation, Deborah Hutton Seward
Suitability of the A-7E Corsair II for "All Weather" attack ingress and targeting transition, Linda C. Shaffer-Vanaria
Higher education public relations : a study of selected independent college, Brian Sheetz
Evaluation of recovery of fatty acids in milk by copper soap method, Nuo Shen
Design of a knowledge based interface for a voice actuated computer graphics imaging system, Patrick Leroy Sherley
Application of sedimentation model to uniform and segregated fluidized beds, James Lee Shippy
Queuine metabolism and cadmium toxicity in drosophila melanogaster, Thomas J. Siard
Distribution of the Fishes of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Damien J. Simbeck
The functions of non-Christian symbols and characters in the novellas of Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Karen Jill Simpson
Summative and formative evaluation in informal centers of science learning, David R. Sincerbox
Characterization of a hydroxyproline tolerant mutant in the fern ceratopteris, Meeta Rani Singh
Effects of lasalocid on coccidial infection and growth in young dairy calves, Glendon Douglas Sinks
Morphological modification and fracture toughness of the niobium aluminide eutectic, Paul Philip Smith
A statistical comparison of biomechanical back performance measures for physician-referred back patients versus normals, Teri Cherie' Smith
These dreams among us, Sarah Kim Snyder
The Life History of the Flame Chub, Hemitremia flammea (Jordan and Gilbert), in Pond Creek, Loudon County, Tennessee, Marcia K. Sossamon
Evaluation of four state-of-the-art power semiconductor devices, Seyed Yahya Sotoudeh
Job satisfaction and commission compensation among department store sales associates, Leigh Southward
The addition of iodine to vinyl boronic acid intermediates in the presence of alumina, William R. Sponholtz
Effects of lasalocid and protein degradability on growth and development of Holstein replacement heifers, Todd M. Steen
Measurement of external power output on the Monark 864 weight ergometer, Dianne Lee Stephens
The political economy of Appalachia: a critique and synthesis of radical approaches to underdevelopment, Jeffrey P. Stotik
A correlational study investigating the relationship between prior math and science performance and student performance in college-preparatory chemistry, William Allen Strong
Recommendations for a research-based training program for oncology nurses at Thompson Cancer Survival Center, John H. Stuhl
Fluorescence detection of DNA-ethidium complexes in the diffusion layer of a modified electrode, Beverly Ann Hanes Swaile
Utilization of microcomputers in special education : a sample of teachers in Tennessee, Lois M. Symington
Does advertising subsidize magazine prices? : a case study in Thailand, Withaya Tangtanaporn
Nuclease hypersensitivity of endogenous murine leukemia virus-related gene sequences in isolated nuclei, Kaori Tano
Delayed mortality and physiological stress responses in tournament-caught largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), John Barry Taylor
Perceptions of selected secondary and postsecondary occupational administrators regarding articulation practices and deterrents in the state of Tennessee, Constance D. Thomas
Complication rates of broviac/hickman catheters and implanted venous access devices : a comparison in the pediatric oncology patient, Cathy L. Thomley
Boats against the current, Dee Elizabeth Thompson
A study of the response time considerations for a PC-based CAD network, Kathryn Cecilia Hotz Thompson
The effects of repeated isotonic contractions on the H-reflex, Cecilia A. Thoni
The Monroe (ALA.) Journal : reconstruction reporting in the rural deep south, James G. Thorton Jr.
A study of farm women in Hawkins County, Tennessee regarding their perception of tasks in home, farm, employment, and community activities, Renne S. Tolbert
Ruman-escape protein and energy supplements for starting calves on feed, Royce Eller Towns
A nonlinear filter for inviscid fluid flow equations, Robert Wallace Tramel
Shared housing for the elderly : a descriptive examination of the concept and selected local agency activity in the southeast, Alan Scott Travis