Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Animal Science
Major Professor
Monty J. Montgomery
Committee Members
R. N. Heitman, C. C. Chamberlin
Sixty-two Holstein cows were assigned to respective treatments of a randomized complete block design three days postpartum. Complete rations, formulated to meet NRC requirement, were fed during the first 112 days of lactation. Diets contained, on an as-fed basis, 75% corn silage and 25% pelleted concentrate (CS:PC) or (CS:PC) + .5% feed grade sodium bicarbonate added as a percent of the total ration (CS:PC+). In addition, each cow received 5 lb of alfalfa-grass hay daily (as fed).
Data collected weekly included milk yield (1b/d), milk fat (percent), 4% fat corrected milk (1b/d), ration dry matter intake (percent of body weight), and total dry matter intake (percent of body weight). Least-square means values of these parameters were 62.76, 3.30, 56.26. 2.09, 2.44, and 60.91, 3.42, 55.66, 2.19, 2.55 for CS:PC and CS:PC+, respectively. Significant treatment differences were not observed between diets (P > .05). Rumen fluid, blood, and additional milk samples were collected at monthly intervals from 27 cows randomly chosen from the total. Acetate-to-proportionate ratio and rumen pH values were 2.85, 6.45, and 2.66, 6.31 for CS:PC and CS:PC+, respectively. Blood serum Ca, P, Mg and Na values (mg/100 ml) were 9.44, 5.25, 2.22, 403.13, and 10.09, 5.40, 2.14 405.37 for CS:PC and CS:PC+, respectively. Least-square mean values for milk protein (percent), total solids (percent), and solids-not-fat (percent) were 3.95, 12.13, 8.87, and 3.98, 11.93, 8.53 for CS:PC and CS:PC+, respectively. No significant differences could be attributed to diets on data collection monthly (P > .05).
Results of this study indicate that incorporation of .5% sodium bicarbonate to complete rations was neither efficacious nor detrimental to dairy cows in early lactation.
Recommended Citation
Bogart, Brian C., "The Use of Sodium Bicarbonate in Complete Rations for Lactating Cows. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1982.