Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

David C. Baker

Committee Members

David J.A. Schedler, Stephen C. Johnson


The research described herein covers two separate projects. The first project was the synthesis of 1-amidino-4-(o-chlorobenzoyl)piperazine (9). The second project was the synthesis of 5-amino-5-deoxy-myo-inositol (36).

The synthesis of 1-amidino-4-(,i>o-chlorobenzoyl)piperazine (9) was accomplished using previously reported methods. Slight modification and more detailed characterizations were preformed to assist the World Health Organization in the search for antimicrofilarial compounds. 1-Amidino-4-(o-chlorobenzoyl)piperazine (9) showed an 18% reduction of target organisms in their respective hosts.

The synthesis of 5-amino-5-deoxy-myo-inositol (36) explored various protection protocols in an effort to maximize yield. Among the various strategies studied were the following: (1) preparation of various cyclohexylidene derivatives, (2) reparation of benzyl ether derivatives, (3) di silyl ethers, (4) double displacement reactions, and (5) Mitsunobu inversion. In spite of these efforts, only one synthetic route proved to be useful in obtaining the desired target.

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