Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Chemical Engineering

Major Professor

Atul C. Sheth

Committee Members

Lloyd W. Crawford, James N. Chapman


At the University of Tennessee Space Institute, (UTSI) a process to simultaneously remove sulfates and chlorides from spent seed material from a coal-fired magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) power plant has been developed. This process uses commercially available weak-base anion-exchange resin and can be used to regenerate the spent seed. In this thesis, results from batch and fixed-bed experiments conducted at UTSI to simultaneously remove sulfates and chlorides from MHD spent seed are discussed. Three commercially available anion-exchange resins were tested in batch mode experiments to study the sulfate and chloride removal efficiency. Process variables that affect the percentage removal like, the solution-to-resin ratio, solution concentration and multi-stage operation were studied. For the fixed- bed tests, experiments were conducted using two different resin carbonation procedures. One procedure involved carbonating the ion-exchange resin simultaneously during exhaustion and in the other procedure precarbonated resin was used. Results from the fixed-bed experiments performed by the latter procedure were explained by the Antonson's model that assumes intraparticle diffusion to be the overall rate controlling step. A kinetic model assuming reaction rate as the rate controlling step was used to analyze the simultaneous carbonation/exhaustion runs.

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