Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

James A. Spencer

Committee Members

Kenneth Kenney, David Patterson


This study was performed in order to observe the possible linkages among human capital development, emerging telecommunications technologies, and local economic development. No cohesive volume was available concerning the three areas and their implications upon the future of local economic development. Therefore, this work attempted to provide an introduction to the literature, plus develop a case study of a community which had chosen to use human capital development and telecommunications technology as economic development tools.

The study was developed through an extensive literature review, nine field interviews, and a case study of Lawrence County, Tennessee. The case study method was implemented to evaluate the practicality of human capital development efforts, the actors involved, the efforts necessary for success. It also was developed to provide an example for other communities to investigate further for the development of their own programs. The literature review and the case study were evaluated for themes and trends which were then discussed in a final chapter.

The study concluded that human capital development and telecommunications technology are two significant, emergent tools in economic development. When combined with local initiative; positive, consistent leadership; effective fund raising efforts; proper management of the telecommunications technology and the networks available, a community will benefit greatly. It generally will be able to become both more competitive and increasingly self-sufficient through the use of human capital development with telecommunications networks and infrastructure. Human capital development for workplace preparedness and telecommunications technology will become increasingly significant as the global economy becomes more competitive. It is highly likely that the two will become as important to economic development as land, energy, and transportation have been in the past. Finally, the planning profession should strive to understand telecommunications advances, their uses, and the implications for planning holistic community growth. Planners should also remain aware of the growing significance of the globalization of the economy and its effect on local economic development efforts.

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