Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Performance and Sport Studies

Major Professor

Ralph E. Jones

Committee Members

Joy Desensi, Andrew Kozar, Jim Bletner


The purpose of this study was to determine spectators' opinions regarding sports promotions at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville baseball events. Subjects included 202 spectators of the two last baseball games of 1993 season. A questionnaire was developed to address three basic questions concerning sport promotions: (a) are sport promotions effective catalysts to attract fans and increase attendance at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville baseball events? (b) which sport promotions have great appeal to spectators? and (c) do sponsors get a positive image and valuable visibility from their involvement in sponsoring sport promotions? Descriptive statistics, including means, frequencies, and percentages were generated to analyze the findings.

The results indicated that sport promotions are important catalysts in determining attendance at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville baseball events. Concession discounts, give away items, prize drawings, various promotional ideas to create excitement, and fireworks were rated by the subjects as important promotional items. Companies that get involved in sponsoring sport promotions at UTK baseball events, gain valuable visibility and positive association which might lead to significant business benefits.

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