Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Sandra Twardosz

Committee Members

Delores Smith, Glenn Estes


Culturally diverse books, often referred to as multicultural books, are written and provided for children for a number of philosophical reasons, such as to promote acceptance of diversity; however, there is an absence of empirical research that has examined children's use of culturally diverse books. The purpose of this study was to examine the book use of preschoolers in daycare classrooms where, for the first time, they were provided access to a large number of culturally diverse books. Thirty-five children (ages 44-65 months) and their teachers in two preschool daycare classrooms participated. Observations were conducted during periods of freeplay when children could choose books as one of several activities, and observations were also conducted as the children chose books to take to their cots at naptime. In a multiple baseline time series experimental design, comparisons were made between the use of culturally diverse books and books depicting no cultural diversity (Caucasian Only books). While no consistent differences were found between the use of the culturally diverse and Caucasian Only books, it was determined that the children were not using one category of the culturally diverse books (Culturally Conscious) as often as the other categories of culturally diverse books. The Culturally Conscious books specifically and accurately depicted characters from one of three cultures Black, Asian, or Hispanic. A simple intervention was implemented in which the teachers introduced some of the Culturally Conscious books at group times. The intervention increased the children's use of the books that were introduced. Additional information about the book use of the children was gained through teacher interviews, parent questionnaires, and teachers' anecdotal notes. It was determined that most of the culturally diverse books were used by children when they were provided in daycare classrooms. It was also determined that simple teacher introductions of culturally diverse books that were not used as often as the others may be an efficient and effective practice for encouraging their use in early childhood classrooms.

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