Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Susan Lucarelli

Committee Members

James Crook, Mark Littmann


This thesis assessed the utility of an electronic search technique designed to evaluate public relations campaigns designated to influence the media's news agenda. The technique used in this study combined electronic database searches and content analysis to poll media coverage resulting from the public relations campaign created to promote the American Medical Association's health care reform plan, Health Access America.

The study found a high correlation between the onset of the AMA's public relations campaign and the appearance of the health care reform issue in the selected databases over the designated time period of 1990-1993. It also showed a escalating frequency of the AMA as a source and the reportage of the health care reform plan goals. The key points of the reform plan were not frequently reported by the news media and counter-arguments to the AMA's position grew over the research time period.

This study found the media polling technique using electronic database researching to be a time-saving and cost-effective method of researching public relations campaign results.

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