Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Chemical Engineering

Major Professor

Paul R. Bienkowski

Committee Members

Gary S. Sayler, Tommy L. Phelps


Bio-Beads SM4 and acetone were used to simulate a "clean" adsorption system for the purpose of testing the Breakthrough Curve Front Analysis (BCFA) method. To illustrate the method, the isotherm of Acetone has been determined on SM4 at 35 °C. Moment analysis methods have been applied to analysis of experimental data and evaluation of the dimensionless adsorption equilibrium constant, the axial dispersion coefficient, and total mass transfer resistance. First moment and second moment analysis of peaks for KBr and acetone prove that adsorption is the major contributor to the first moment. The effects of flow rate and column length were evaluated. Higher flow rates caused a sharper pulse curve and longer column length caused a broader pulse curve. The effectiveness of moment analysis for resolving a simple system has been demonstrated.

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