Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1995
Data acquisition and reduction program for estimating the size and velocity of jet fuel particles, Sharon Neufeldt Carter
Vertical price linkages in the vegetable industry : a case study of east Tennessee, Brian Todd Carver
Structure-toxicity relationships for aminoalkanols : a comparison with alkanols and alkanamines, Tonya Louise Ailey Carver
Comparision of oral diadochokinetic rates in the normal and aging population, Tammy Kaye Carwile
Hig-level support for microvector programming, Antonio Castellanos
Mineralogical and petrographical characterization of lunar mare soils and basalts for resource utilization, John Gregory Chambers
Tennessee broadcasters' use of information access laws, Stephynie Maurene Chapman
Automated component placement in multichip modules using multiple criteria, Subhomoy Chattopadhyay
Development of a reduced compliance load cell, Joel Chesser
Role of iron and aluminum in brain metabolism, Sudha Sunil Chhaya
Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic acceleration for use in hypersonic direct-connect propulsion testing, Michael John Christiansen
Test and analysis of ceramic sidewall elements for MHD generators, Peter John Christiansen
Evaluation of extended light path capillaries for use in capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection, Craig Alan Chwojdak
A comparison between black and white assistant football coaches in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I-A level, Douglas Scott Clayton
Importance of sediment size class information for modeling particle bound contaminant transport during floods, Andrew W. Clevenger
Women in recovery : a qualitative study of chemical dependency from a female perspective, Laura L. Clingan
Using GIS to Analyze the Precipitation Regime of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN/NC, Thomas Bryan Coffey
Effects of hunting and non-hunting mortality on seasonal bobwhite densities in Tennessee, John Christopher Cole
Population Dynamics of Black Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Alex Brandon Coley
Evaluation of disability simulations as a teaching tool for undergraduate students majoring in recreation and related fields, Melanie Collins
Public participation in the Oak Ridge Reservation future land use options decision making process: a case study, Maureen. Colvin
The experience of language learning anxiety of foreign language learners in a university setting, Melissa Anne Connolly
A natural language interface to the Unix operating system using recurrent neural networks, Renwick Lowell Conrad
A parallel implementation of the Hoshen-Koppelman Algorithm using a finite state machine, Jeffrey Michael Constantin
The effects of microstructural control on the mechanical behavior of Cr2Nb based alloys, Jeffery Allan Cook
Distribution and establishment of introduced parasitoids of the alfalfa weevil in Tennessee, Kenneth Jeffrey Copley
Computer interfacing and analysis of a sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter, Anthony Dale Coulson
Feargus O'Connor and the Chartist Land Company, 1845-1851, Bradley Clark Cowart
Potential Benefits of Actinide Recycle to the Yucca Mountain Repository, Brian Spencer Cowell
The relationship of the area of injury to the brain and outcome after severe closed head injury, Victoria Lynn Crabb
Training to enhance sensitivity to nonverbal behavior, Donnal Francis Patrick Crohan
The development of a data acquisition system for a high resolution infrared imager, Brian Keith Cromwell
Flight testing a radar warning receiver in an operational effectiveness and value assessment, Mark F. Crumblish
The meaning of editorial freedom for an advertising-free women's magazine : a case study of Ms., Anne-Lauren Cunningham
An Assessment of Nutrition Policies and Practices in Licensed Child Care Agencies in Tennessee, Nicole Anne Cunningham
Effectiveness of vitamin E or zinc in reducing udder edema of heifers fed excess iron, Pamela F. Cunningham
Prediction of flame blowoff limits for hydrogen-air mixtures over an isolated vee-gutter flameholder using a well-stirred reactor model, Julie Ann Darnell
Evolution of structured and robust code for telerobotic control of a seven-degree-of-freedom manipulator, Anjanjyoti Das
The tectono-metamorphic history of a portion of the eastern Blue Ridge, Jackson County, North Carolina, Gilbert Landon Davidson
Student-produced media and free expression in Tennessee public high schools in 1994, Sharon Denise Davis-Cooper
Development of a force guided translation system for automated fender finishing, Jeremy Allen Davis
Goal orientation and flow in sport, Eric Deemer
A mathematical model for multicomponent ion exchange uptake on chabazite zeolite, Susan Marie DePaoli
Cultural diversity awareness of vocational rehabilitation counselors in the state of Tennessee, Ruth Miranda Detabali
The role of lysine 385 in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase, Enrico Leo DiGiammarino
Computer simulation development and implementation for application of retail management concepts, Tanya Dix
Mental Skills Intervention for Young Golfers: Two Case Studies, Nicole J. Dorthe
Analysis of the MH-47E integrated avionics system, David Allan Downey
Additive effects of sensory contact as a social integration method for captive chimpanzees, Lisa Carmon Drummer
Determining if self-concept differences exist in a group of university women identified as eating-disordered and noneating-disordered, Gregory Lee Duthey
The significance of NOx emissions from coal-fired power plants in the Middle Tennessee area on tropospheric ozone, Andrea Elizabeth Early
Weights and morphometrics of black bears in the southeastern United States, Thomas Hunter Eason
Internet adoption and use by innovator and early adopter communicators in Tennessee, Margot Emery
Industrial parts washing systems for post 1995 use, Nicole M. English
High school guidance counselor's perceptions of secondary home economics programs : directions for the future, Gwendolyn Kay Tenpenny Erwin
The image of 4-H as perceived by selected Tennessee seventh graders, Deanna Lee Essington
Differences in temporary threshold shift in young adults with pleasant and unpleasant music, Tony Dale Evans
Gestural interfaces suggested by field computation, Eric Scott Evers
Using box structures with the Z notation, Daniel T. Fetzer
Identification and characterization of determinism in spark-ignition internal combustion engines, Charles Edward Andrew Finney
Laurel Falls revisited, Marcella Beth Fleischman
Evaluation of the hazardous materials transportation registration and fee assessment program, DeAnna Flinchum
Fuzzy logic control : a tutorial view, Brian Fortenbery
A computer model and parametric study of Earth-atmospheric entry of meteors, Richard Matthew Fought
Norris tailwater creel survey : fishermen responses to quality regulations, William Calvert. Fraser
Assessment of a continuous air monitor for the detection of airborne transuranics, David F. French
Improvements of sporophyte culture and comparison of salinity tolerance in three strains of Ceratopteris richardii, Renée Sarah Albertine Fribourg
Comparing the Rorschachs and the MMPI-2s of assaulted and non-assaulted females on variables associated with PTSD, Dawn L. Gable
Gender and gender role orientation in same-sex friendship, Ameera Celeste Gaia
Alternatives to Diameter-Limit Timber Harvesting on the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian Reservation: A Case Study, Shane E. Gaither
Soil genesis and classification of brown iron ore spoils on the western highland rim in Tennessee, Sonja Entrekin Gaither
Seasonal abundance, habitat preference, and spawning success of crappie in Norris Reservoir, Tennessee, Mark Stephen Garner
Benefiting built environment education : the use of scaled three-dimensional urban simulations as teaching tools in elementary and secondary school curricula, Vincent Paul Gauthier
Stratigraphy, Structure, and Environmental Site Assessment of a Portion of the Western Blue Ridge, Monroe County, Tennessee, Donald James Geddes
Design and implementation of the cleanroom process database, John Philip Gibson
Modeling and control of a hydraulically actuated flexible robot link of variable length, Angela Michelle Gizelar
A Dental Analysis of the South Dakota Arikara Including a Comparative Analysis of C. G. Turner's 1967 The Dentition of Arctic Peoples, Michele Grant
Dynamic stiffness and damping of single piles in loess, Richard Lee Graves
Dynamic and static load balancing using PVM, William Wayne Gray
The identification and partial purification of the tailspike protein of the Salmonella newington bacteriophage, E34, Mathew Scott Greenberg
Legal issues concerning the use of genetically engineered microorganisms to improve biodegradation of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds in the subsurface zone of contamination, Jack Kenneth Greer
Analysis of controllability of a wastewater treatment plant, James Michael Grove
Developmental test and evaluation of forward looking infrared sensors in U.S. Marine Corps transport helicopters : a systems approach, Curtis E. Haberbosch
The integration of a heliostat with the UTMSL 5-meter spectrometric system : the v(1)+2v(2) band of atmospheric nitrous oxide, John Stewart Hager
Non-par[a]metric analysis for tube leak detection, Ali Reza Hajialigol
Comparison of hydrologic cycle components for pre-storm and storm conditions, Walker Branch Watershed, Oak Ridge Reservation, Amy Lynn Halleran
Effect of pH, iodide, and organic matter on the mobility of mercury(II) in soils, William Patrick Hamilton
Estimation of variance for finger ridge counts: univariate and multivariate analyses, Parvene Hamzavi
Sea of black hats, Ruth Leah Harp
The relationship between perceived and actual academic stressors by freshmen and senior university students, Heather Lea Harvey
An overview of the two faces of the church in German Holocaust literature : passivity and opposition, Jeremy Todd Hatfield
A distributed implementation of the Land-Use Change Analysis System (LUCAS) using PVM, Brett Christopher Hazen
A Repeatable, Visual Survey of Three Rare Percina (Osteichthyes: Percidae) Fish in Little River, Blount County, Tennessee, Charles H. Heacock
The bryozoan paleoecology of the Florala Limestone Member of the Bridgeboro Limestone (Lower Oligocene, Vicksburgian), southeast Alabama and northern Florida, James Andrew Heller
A study of zero-input limit cycles in floating-point digital signal processors, Harold David Helsley
Armoring protection of earthfill dams, Susan Renee Henderson
The desegregation of Clinton High School : then and now, Valerie Marie Hulett Herd
Determining whether gender equality exists for women in the position of coach and athletic director in the NAIA and NCAA division I institutions, Christie L. Herndon