Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Ralph D. Kimberlin

Committee Members

Charles T. N. Paludan, George W. Garrison, Arthur Mason


Forward looking infrared sensors are currently being examined by the U. S. Marine Corps for installation in their transport helicopter fleet. Prior to this, the only enhanced night vision capability for the pilots of these types of aircraft has been that provided by night vision goggles. Infrared sensors can change that. If integrated properly, forward looking infrared systems can provide a vast improvement in the navigational capabilities of the crew, increase their situational awareness and ultimately enhance their survivability. However, if the integration is done incorrectly, the result can be quite the opposite.

Traditionally, developmental testing has addressed only the technical and engineering issues of a system. This is no longer possible or adequate. The larger picture of how a system effects an aircraft operationally must also be considered when evaluating its integration.

A single source is needed for the methodology of conducting developmental test and evaluation of forward looking infrared sensors in transport helicopters using a systems approach to integration. This study proposes a developmental test plan that not only addresses the traditional technical engineering tests, but incorporates the operational and mission suitability issues as well.

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