Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Metallurgical Engineering

Major Professor

Peter K. Liaw

Committee Members

Charlie R. Brooks


Microstructural evaluations and mechanical testing of Laves-phase alloys based on Cr2Nb were examined in order to optimize microstructural and mechanical properties via secondary processing techniques and thermo-mechanical treatment at temperatures up to 1600°C. At ambient temperatures, single-phase Cr2Nb alloys are very hard and brittle due to the complicated crystal structure (C-15). The following results were revealed through examination of the Cr-Cr2Nb two-phase region: (a) with increasing amounts of the soft chromium-rich phase, the compression strength and hardness decrease: (b) the annealing treatments studied provided the best break-up of the coarse/brittle eutectic structure in the 94 at.% Cr - 6 at.% Nb (CN-7) alloy; (c) two different anneals, 1 hour (h) at 1600°C + 4 h at 1200°C and 4 h at 1550°C + 2 days (d) at 1200°C, lead to a substantial improvement in the room-temperature compressive ductility over previous annealing treatments (3d at 1100°C). In addition. Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPping) + annealing led to a substantial refinement of the brittle eutectic structure in the CN-7 (Cr-6 at.% Nb) composition. HIPping led to only a marginal reduction in casting defects and a refinement of the eutectic structure in the CN-4 (Cr-12 at.% Nb) composition. A combination of hot forging and annealing is promising in refining the brittle eutectic structure in the CN-7 composition. Tensile properties were found to be sensitive to the morphology of the Cr2Nb Laves phase, even after HIPping to break up the interconnected Cr2Nb phase. Solid state precipitation of Cr2Nb particles was found to occur when annealing at temperatures well below the eutectic temperature (1100-1200°C) and these particles were found to be fairly resistant to coarsening, even after 30 days at 1200°C.

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