Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Michael W. Berry

Committee Members

David W. Straight, Brad Vander Zanden


In this thesis, improved sequential and parallel implementations of the Hoshen-Koppelman cluster identification algorithm are presented. The implementations pre-sented use a finite state machine to reduce redundant integer comparisons during the cluster identification process. Sequential efforts concentrated on large-scale maps and an efficient algorithm for performing cluster identification by partitioning the map along row boundaries and merging the results of the partitions. Parallel efforts on the (MIMD) 32-node Thinking Machine CM-5 concentrated on an efficient mecha-nism for performing cluster identification in parallel. The sequential implementation achieved promising speed improvements ranging from 1.39 to 2.00 over an exist-ing Hoshen-Koppelman implementation and the parallel implementation achieved a minimum speedup of 5.41 over the sequential implementation executing on a Sun SPARCstation 10.

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