Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Eric Haley

Committee Members

Roxanne Howland, Jeff Wilkinson


Content analyses and survey research have shown that advertising is often a powerful force that can dictate the editorial content of magazines, especially women's and trade publications. This study examines how Ms. magazine, which used to publish with advertising but in 1990 dropped it in order to maintain editorial integrity, now functions without advertising. Qualitative interviews were conducted with eight members of Ms.’s current staff who answered the question, "What does editorial freedom mean to you." Based on these interviews, observations made during four days spent at the Ms. offices, and Ms. editorials, a model of advertising-free publishing was developed. This model illustrates the factors that restrict editorial freedom in an advertising-free environment and trade-offs associated with the elimination of advertising. Ill

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