Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Jesse Poore

Committee Members

Carmen Trammell, David Straight


This thesis presents the design and implementation for the Cleanroom Process Database (CPD), a database to support a Cleanroom approach to software engineering. In particu lar, the database supports the Cleanroom methodology as followed by the Software Qual ity Research Laboratory at the University of Tennessee and described in the "Software Quality Research Laboratory Cleanroom Process Description."

This work provides the data structures and data access methodology which allow for a complete development history of each project to be tracked from initiation to completion. The database has been designed to maintain process management metrics, development metrics, and graphical or textual documents used for reference or created during the course of development. By analyzing this collected data both within and across projects through appropriately designed reports, the overall software development process can be improved. Examples of such reports have been developed and are included in the thesis.

The specification for the user interface is provided in which all possible stimuli generated from the user interface are listed. A natural language specification is outlined in which the responses to these stimuli are described. The natural language specification is augmented with illustrations of the data entry screens and sample reports. A usage model for the sys tem is included. Suggestions for future enhancements to the CPD are also listed.

The CPD was implemented as an Oracle Version 7.0 client/server relational database application on the SunOS 4.1.3 platform. A forms interface to the CPD was designed using Oracle Forms Version 2.0. Reports were designed using Oracle Reports Version 2.0.

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