Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

W. E. Bass

Committee Members

Stephen J. Daunt, Thomas Handler


The integration of a heliostat with the 5-meter Littrow spectrometric system at the University of Tennessee Molecular Systems Laboratory opens up new research possiblities. Enviromental and solar studies are but a few prospects.

This is a two-part study. The first part deals with the integration of a heliostat with the 5-meter Littrow spectrometric system at the University of Tennessee Molecular Systems Laboratory. The second part deals with an application to the υ1 + 2υ2, combination band of N2O in the earth's atmosphere. Atmospheric nitrous oxide was chosen as an example of the type of data that can be collected with the heliostat.

The main part of the work involves the designing and building of a heliostat and the optical components that enabled the sun's radiation to be analyzed by the 5-meter Littrow spectrometric system.

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