"Retention of Vitamin B<sub>6</sub> in Oven-Braised Semimembranosus Mus" by Lois Ann Wodarski

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Bernadine Meyer

Committee Members

Ada Marie Campbell, Frances A. Schofield


Introduction [Abbreviated]:

The present study involved six tests conducted to determine the effects of oven-braising, a moist-heat method, on vitamin-B6 retention of beef. Paired roasts from the semimembranosus muscle of three grain-finished and three grass-finished steers were used in the study. The right side roast of each pair was cooked by oven-braising. The cooked roasts and the drip were analyzed for total vitamin-B6 content by the yeast microbiological method of Atkin et al. (1943); the left side roasts were analyzed raw. Total cooking retentions of vitamin B6 were calculated as the sum of that retained in the cooked roasts and that transferred to the drip.

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