"Nutrition Experience With the Delaware State Board of Health" by Joan Carolyn Parker

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Harold H. Walker, John T. Smith


Introduction: This report is to summarize the experiences of the student during seven weeks of field work with the Nutrition Consultant of the Delaware State Board of Health. This training period, as a supplement to the academic program, has been instituted to allow the student to participate in the nutrition activities of state and local agencies so that theory may gradually assume greater meaning. Delaware was chosen as the site of field experience because of its small size and the opportunity it offers for learning about and participating in nutrition programs on both state and local levels.

The main objectives of the student in this field work were: (1) to observe and participate in the local and state activities of Delaware so that some ability to function as a nutritionist in a health agency could be developed; (2) to develop an appreciation of the place of nutrition in the total health program of a state agency; (3) to gain some understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a public health nutritionist through observation and participation; and (4) to continue to develop an awareness of the importance of human relationships, the motivation of human behavior, and methods of working effectively with individuals, families, and groups.

The seven week program planned for the student included varied activities designed to help accomplish her objectives. Among these activities were conferences to help her become familiar with the functions, organization, objectives, policies, and plan of operation of the agency. She participated in institutes, workshops, and community activities of health educators. In preparation for this work, she developed and evaluated educational materials. She also assisted in giving consultant service to agency personnel, nursing home operators, and student nurses.

Information concerning Delaware and the State Board of Health is included in the first part of the report. The nutrition program in detail, such as the participation, learning situations, and summary of the student's field work, is included in the latter part. One week of the seven weeks period was spent with the personnel of the Kent County Unit. The activities of this week were interspersed with the other experiences in the report.

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