Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Robert S. Dotson
Committee Members
Lewis Dickson, Don O. Richardson, William W. Miller
Dairying is of major importance in Tennessee. The sale of dairy products was the third most important source of cash receipts from farm marketings in 1963 ( 17: 22). * The gross farm income from dairy products in 1963 was over 93 million dollars. This income was derived from 476, 000 dairy cows on Tennessee farms. Average milk production per Tennessee cow that year was 4, 7 10 pounds as compared to the national average milk production per cow of 7, 545 pounds. Tennessee research indicates that milk production per cow of 6, 000 pounds or more is necessary for a profitable dairy enterprise, and that cows producing below that amount should be culled and replaced. The basis for the identification of the foregoing problems was mainly that of observations made by county and state Extension staff members. Such problems point specifically to the need for further research to be done in selected counties to try to ascertain which production and management practices dairymen use or do not use. Problem A: Characteristics of Williamson County Grade A milk producers and their farms Problem B: Management practices of Williamson County Grade A milk producers Problem C: Factors influencing dairy management practice adoption by Williamson County
Recommended Citation
Beeler, Houston Y., "Grade A milk producers in Williamson County, Tennessee: : problem A: Characteristics of Williamson County Grade A milk producers and their farms : problem B: Management practices of Williamson County Grade A milk producers : problem C: Factors influencing dairy management practice adoption by Williamson County Grade A milk producers: Three related special problems in lieu of thesis /. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1966.