Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Stanton P. Parry

Committee Members

M. B. Badenhop, Cecil E. Fuller


The purpose of this study was to explore the events, places, and people involved in the development of vocational education in agri-culture in Tennessee from its beginning in 1917 to 1955. There does not seem to be a comprehensive history of the develop-ment of vocational education in agriculture in Tennessee, should be made while those connected with its early infancy are living. Such a document should be compiled so that those interested in Such a study vocational education in agriculture in Tennessee could know and under-stand something of its beginning and growth. Such a document would be valuable in evaluating the growth, underlying causes and effects, and impact of vocational education in agriculture from its beginning on the people and the agricultural in-dustry in Tennessee. It was further hoped that this study might preserve some of the historical facts that were available which might otherwise become destroyed or lost. It should be pointed out that this study will pave the way for future studies and investigations that might be in historical areas of vocational agriculture. Finally, it was hoped that this study might provide enjoyment, fond memories for those who have participated in its past, and a sense of pride and achievement for those who have contributed to the growth and development of vocational education in agriculture in Tennessee.

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