"A guide for individualized training in vocational agriculture for Fran" by Walter Vernon Potts

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Wiegers Jr

Committee Members

John D. Todd, John J. McDow, Curtis H. Shelton


One of the greatest needs in public secondary education in this changing era is provision for individual stimulation and achievement. This can be accomplished through an individualized training course. Any individualized instructional program must be based on mutual confidence and respect between the teacher and his students. Unless this atmosphere exists, the program will likely be defeated from the very beginning. A high degree of student responsibility must be developed in order to provide adequate training and supervision. The student must develop the feeling that he is a vital part of the program. The necessity of a complete knowledge of the student's needs cannot be overemphasized. The program will not work satisfactorily unless the teacher knows and understands the student well enough to help him in selecting a program of activities to meet his needs. To do this the teacher must have known the student for some time. He must have visited in his home and learned, the conditions, background, and possibilities of each student.

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