Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering

Major Professor

J.I. Sewell

Committee Members

J.J. McDow, B.A. Tschantz


This thesis presents the first phase of an overall project attempting to develop relations between water yield and land-use. This work was done under a project entitled "Factors Affecting Water Yields from Small Watersheds in Tennessee" which is a contributing project to Regional Project S-53.

Approximately ten states in the South are participating in similar projects under Regional Project S-53. The combined results of all the projects will be used in future resource development plans.

The objectives of the first phase follow:

1. To determine factors affecting the water yield of selected watersheds through the utilization of available programmed statistical techniques.

2. To determine the magnitude of the effects caused by these identified factors upon the hydrologic behavior of the selected watersheds.

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