"Turbulence effects on a holographic imaging system" by Stanley Z. Peplinski

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Ronald A. Belz


A side-band holographic system used to record particle images in a high enthalpy environment is described. Holographic particle velocity and size data recorded through turbulent air conditions are presented along with the observed turbulence effects on the holographic image quality. The turbulence effects, background mottling, and loss of image resolution are shown to be functions of phase changes along planar and spherical wavefronts and are discussed in terms of the phase structure function and intensity variance. Holographic quality was found to be strongly dependent on the air stream pressure within the Aerodynamic and Propulsion Test Unit (APTU) wind tunnel. Suggestions for measuring the strength of air turbulence within the air stream in terms of the refractive index structure constant are made. Methods for reducing the turbulence effects on the holographic system are also presented.

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