"Factors affecting blood glucose level in feeder cattle" by Rebecca Lee Garland

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

J. B. McLaren

Committee Members

M. C. Bell, Ralph F. Hall


The effect of transportation stress on plasma glucose, calcium and magnesium in preweaned and non-preweaned feeder calves were measured to investigate their possible involvement in shipping fever. Mean values of plasma glucose, Ca and Mg remained within normal limits before, during and after shipment. Treatment caused no significant difference (P < .05) in plasma glucose or Mg level. Preweaned calves had lower (P < .05) plasma Ca concentrations before shipment than the non-preweaned calves. However, eight days after shipment the preweaned calves and nonpreweaned calves given a high energy preshipping concentrate had significantly higher (P < .05) Ca levels than non-preweaned calves fed hay only prior to shipment. The preweaned calves had significantly higher plasma Ca levels than the non-preweaned calves. Shipping had no effect upon plasma glucose and Ca concentrations, but it did cause a decrease in plasma Mg which increased back to its original level shortly after shipment.

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