"The Socio-economic Impact of the Airport Upon the Community" by Alfred F. Eaton Jr.

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Raymond S. Sleeper


The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-economic impact that an airport has upon a community and to develop a method of determining that impact suitable for usage by an airport manager.

Data is presented which illustrates the magnitude and scope of the socio-economic impact of an airport. The various methods of analyzing this impact are discussed. Finally, a method of determining the impact, designed for airport managers, is presented.

Some of the main conclusions of the research are as follows: that it is very difficult to measure the total socio-economic impact of an airport upon the community, but a useful estimation of the magnitude can be obtained; that airports, with all factors considered, generally impact upon a community in a favorable manner; that the availability of air service is an important determinant of a community's growth rate; that the primary dis-benefits of an airport are ecological or environmental in nature; and that a good, active public relations program is a necessity.

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