"A socioeconomic analysis of nonmigrants, return migrants, and primary " by Ramachandran Kailasam

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Frank O. Leuthold

Committee Members

Thomas Klindt, John Brooker


The objectives of this study were to (1)determine the differences in socioeconomic characteristics of 332 male households by place where reared: Putnam County natives, natives from adjacent counties and natives of "other areas;" (2) determine the differences in socioeconomic characteristics of 332 male household heads by migrant type: nonmigrants, return migrants and primary migrants and (3) determine the migration patterns and the reasons for moving for return migrants and primary migrants. Analyses were done for socioeconomic characteristics on variables age, education, income, home items or level of living, and occupation. Analyses of individuals by place where reared for the three groups revealed significant differences on all the variables except age. No significant differences existed between Putnam County natives and natives of adjacent counties for any of the five variables analyzed. Analyses of heads by migrant type showed significant differences only on age and education between the three groups. Significant differences existed between primary and return migrants on occupation before final move to Putnam County. Analysis of migration patterns showed a high rate of residential mobility among both primary and return migrant groups. Analysis of reasons for moving showed a majority of return migrants giving miscellaneous reasons whereas a majority of primary migrants gave economic reasons for the move. In conclusion, development and policy implications were briefly discussed

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