Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Cecil E. Carter, Jr
Committee Members
Robert S. Dotson, William L. Parks
The major purpose of the study was to characterize Tennessee burley tobacco producers as to their farm tenure status, their use of recommended production practices, yields per acre of tobacco produced, contacts they had with Extension Agents and their feelings about the kind, amount and quality of help they received from Extension Agents. Another purpose was to determine the relationships between variables used to characterize the producers. Data were obtained through random sample surveys conducted by County Extension Agents in 1973 and in 1978. A total of 1,577 burley tobacco producers in 56 Tennessee counties was interviewed in 1973 and 942 producers from 39 counties were interviewed in 1978. Both descriptive and inferrential statistics were used to analyze and summarize the data. The Chi Square test was used to determine the association between qualitative variables. One-way analysis of variance was used to test the association between two quantitative variables and between one qualitative variable and a quantitative variable. Chi Square values and F-values which achieved the .05 level were considered to be significant. Results Regarding tenure status the study indicated that: 1. Over 70 percent of the burley producers owned the land used to grow tobacco in 1973 and in 1978. About 13 percent of the producers grew some tobacco on land that they owned as well as using some rented land. Only minor changes were found in the tenure status of hurley producers in 1978 compared to 1973. Neither the percentage of producers using the 14 recommended practices or their tobacco yield per acre was significantly influenced by the tenure status of the producers. However, producers classified as owners, as compared to other producers, had a more positive attitude about the kind, amount and quality of help they received from Extension Agents. 2. Producers who were using the recommended production, harvesting and marketing practices reported a significantly larger number of contacts with Extension Agents through meetings, office visits, telephone calls and farm visits than those producers who were not using the recommended practices. This did not hold true, however, for the practices of fertilizing and liming according to soil test recommendations. 3. Producers who felt they received the kind, amount and quality of help they wanted from Extension Agents reported making a significantly larger number of contacts with Extension Agents than those who were not satisfied with the help they received. 4. Tobacco yield per acre was not significantly influenced by the number of contacts producers reported having with Extension Agents. Implications and recommendations also were reported.
Recommended Citation
Robinson, Roger Dale, "Characteristics of Tennessee burley tobacco producers and relationships between selected production practices ad extension contact variables. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1981.