Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences
Major Professor
David L. Coffey
Committee Members
Paris Lambdin, Charles Pless
Aluminum foil mulch, azure blue paper mulch, yellow sticky boards, and acephate insecticide were evaluated for control of the turnip aphid, Hyadaphis erysimi (Kltb.) on cabbage.
In the 1978 fall test, the foil mulch, yellow sticky boards, and acephate all significantly (P=0.05) suppressed the aphid population, Acephate reduced aphid numbers more than the other treatments. In the 1979 spring test, rainfall suppressed the aphid population throughout the growing season, and no significant differences occurred among treatments.
Recommended Citation
Corsaro, Susan, "Effects of two mulches, yellow sticky board traps, and acephate upon abundance of Hyadaphis erysimi (Kltb.) on cabbage. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1980.