Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Hugh O. Jaynes

Committee Members

S. L. Melton, S. K. Winfree


Textured Soy Protein (TSP) from 11 commercial sources and TSP- extended ground beef in refrigerated and frozen storage were analysed by GLC for variability of oligosaccharide content by a one step 80% Eton extraction. Percent recovery of sucrose was 91% in TSP and 67% in TSP-beef blends. Stachyose recovery was ca. 45% and 39% respectively when compared to literature values. Stachyose variability was not significant across commercial lots, refrigerated storage of TSP- beef and was marginally significant for frozen storage of TSP-beef. Linear regression of stachyose content on level of added TSP accounted for 84% and 92% of the variability of stachyose in refrigerated and frozen storage. Level of TSP accounted for 87% of the variability of sucrose content in frozen storage. Results indicate that stachyose is the most stable marker for TSP-beef quantitation; however, sucrose could be used for day 0 quality control purposes, or in frozen storage.

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