Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Robert S. Dotson
Committee Members
George S. Foster, Cecil E. Carter Jr
This descriptive, study was undertaken to study the factors that contribute to the success of Young Farmer and Homemaker (YF&H) programs in Tennessee. Forty-five study counties were selected from the counties in which at least some YF&H members were reported for either 1974 and/or 1979. Data were secured from secondary sources. Major findings included the following: 1. The total membership of YF&H in the State increased from 545 in 1974 to 778 in 1979, according to October 1 en-rollment reports; while December surveys showed an in-crease from 532 in 1974 to 774 in 1979. 2. To reach the State goal set for 1980, an additional 502 members was needed; while, to reach the State goal set for 1985, 470 additional members were needed over and beyond those reported in 1979. 3. The totals for agent days planned in YF&H work in the 45 counties were 243 in 1978 and 271 in 1979. 4. The totals for agent days expended in YF&H work were about 131 in 1978 and 190 in 1979. 5. The totals for agent contacts made with clients in YF&H work were 5,618 in 1978 and 9,610 in 1979. 6. The four counties with long-standing YF6tH programs (i.e. 1957- 1979) studied were Madison County, Rutherford County, Coffee County and Washington County and they had county averages for the following seven program characteristics higher than the State average per county: a) Number of Young Homemakers contacted in 1979; b) Number of other Home Demonstration clubs with Young Homemakers as members; c) Number of Young Homemakers in the other Home Demon-station clubs; d) Number of female Senior 4-H members eighteen years of age; e) Number of female and male YF&H members; f) Number of female young adults regularly reached through individual face to face contacts; and g) Number of Tennessee 4-H Alumni, Incorporated, members. 7. The five counties studied that had high YF&H enrollments (i.e. in 1979) were Gibson County, Giles County, Coffee County, Cannon County and Knox County, and they had county averages for the following nine program characteristics higher than the State averages: a) Number of Young Homemakers con-tacted in 1979; b) Number of Young Homemakers in the special Home Demonstration clubs; c) Number of Young Homemaker mem-bers in other Home Demonstration clubs; d) Number of female and male Senior 4-H members 18 years of age; e) Number of female and male YF&H members; f) Number of other female and male young adults regularly reached through group face to face contacts; g) Numbers of other female and male young adults regularly reached through individual face to face contacts; h) Number of other female and male young adults regularly reached through special mailings; and i) Number of Tennessee 4-H Alumni, Incorporated, members. Implications and recommendation for use of findings and for further study also were made in the study.
Recommended Citation
Haji Ibrahim, Ishak Bin, "Factors contributing to the success of young farmer and homemaker programs in Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1981.