Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Landscape Architecture
Major Professor
Patricia L. Fisher
Committee Members
George E. Bowen, James A. Spencer
The purpose of this study is to determine for the residents of Knox County, which energy information programs have been used in the past; what home heating and cooling conservation actions have already been taken; which financial benefit programs have been used; the level of interest in new information programs; and public attitudes toward some of the Knox County Energy Project conservation strategies. The data gathered are to be used to design and target energy information programs for the residential sector as part of the comprehensive community energy planning project.
Data on Knox County residential energy conservation actions and energy interests were gathered through a mail questionnaire distributed to a random sample of area households. Personal interviews and a literature search also provided information. Responses to the questionnaire were analyzed via the SPSS computer package using cross tabulation and discriminant analysis.
Analysis of the data revealed that there still exists a number of households in the community which have not taken many energy conservation actions, especially those which require monetary expenditures; nor have they taken advantage of existing information and financial benefit programs. This group includes Black, low income, and elderly residents, and renters. These people did express interest in learning more about low cost energy conservation actions with few reservations about using government resources to provide this information. Existing information delivery mechanisms could be used to address many of their needs.
Many middle aged, middle income families have already taken low cost actions to reduce their fuel bills and are interested, or could be easily interested, in somewhat more expensive and exotic energy topics. Few had used existing information and financial benefit programs, however. These residents expressed a desire to obtain detailed information on energy topics. They preferred workshops involving volunteers and experienced homeowners to deliver this detailed instruction. Concern about expenditures of public money for more permanent local energy bodies was expressed by these residents.
Both groups of residents expressed an interest in an energy newsletter, although such a mechanism is not now available in the community. A newsletter could be used as a means of raising energy awareness and evoking interest in more specialized workshops.
Energy planning is a relatively new field of investigation. More research is needed on how energy considerations can be incorporated into all aspects of planning. In addition, more knowledge is needed about the role public education can play in obtaining community energy objectives. The effects on energy use behavior of values, attitudes, and various types of influence and persuasion warrant more investigation so that more effective energy conservation strategies can be devised.
Recommended Citation
Martin, Karen, "An Analysis of Energy Conservation in Residential Space Heating and Cooling and Recommendations for Public Information Programs for Knox County, Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1981.
Major is listed as Planning.