Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Teacher Education

Major Professor

Kathleen Warden

Committee Members

Olga Welch, Rick Austin, Don Ashmore


Describing how and if a deaf student demonstrates logical thinking while using LOGO language was the purpose of conducting this research. This case study was conducted at a residential school for the deaf with a twelve year old deaf student. Eight sessions of work with the student using LOGO language were videotaped. Transcriptions of the videotapes were made for analysis. The student completed entries in a journal at the conclusion of each session. Attitude inventories were administered at the beginning of the first session. Due to problems experienced by the student, the validity of the attitude inventories is questionable. Therefore, statistical analysis was not completed on the results of these inventories. It was apparent that the student did learn to use simple LOGO commands to draw diagrams and figures. These tasks required logical thinking. The subject did not always possess the language to explain what she was doing or to ask questions. In spite of this fact, she completed the tasks. Therefore, it was concluded that the subject demonstrated logical thinking as she learned to use the LOGO commands.

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