Masters Theses


Scott J. Howe

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Fred Watts

Committee Members

Donald A. Tippett, Robert B. Richards


The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the navigation system installed in the EF-111A airplane for the stand-off, close-in, and penetration/escort jamming missions and to determine what specific improvements to the existing systems would be required to meet current operational requirements. The evaluation was conducted during one two hour ground evaluation period, two simulator flights (4.0 hours), and two flights totaling 3.9 flight hours. Testing was conducted at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho. A total of twelve deficiencies were identified and analyzed for their impact on the mission. As a result of that analysis it is recommended that the Inertial Navigation System be replaced and that modifications be made to the Navigation Radar System and Terrain Following Radar. Within the scope of this evaluation, the navigation system installed in the EF-111A demonstrated limited potential for the stand-off, close-in, and penetration/escort jamming missions, but will be satisfactory upon correction of the deficiencies cited.

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