Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

Edward M. Kraft

Committee Members

William B. Baker, Ralph D. Kimberlin


A technical approach to efficiently integrating ground test data into the flight test investigations for the evaluation of aircraft performance and flying qualities is presented. This method relies on the coordinated efforts of an integrated test team representing the various ground and flight test organizations. Also, this approach involves taking maximum advantage of mathematical models to simulate and verify the system's operating characteristics. Although most of the modeling methods discussed are currently in use at Air Force flight test installations, the need to optimize their use by integrating the ground test predictions and techniques in an iterative manner is discussed. The evaluation of this process shows that the integrated test team approach to testing for aircraft performance and flying qualities is feasible, and offers distinct advantages over the segmented approach currently employed by the Air Force.

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