Masters Theses


Yon Long Hew

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

J. Harold Deatherage

Committee Members

David W. Goodpasture, R. Bruce Robinson


A study of existing lead - based paint removal and containment procedures and specifications for future removal is presented. The existing removal and containment procedures are evaluated based on cost efficiency, productivity, and environmental. This research shows that 17 state agencies have developed specifications for lead - based paint removal. These specifications provide a state of the art review of current removal and containment procedures. An inventory analysis of bridges constructed prior to 1974 was performed. Each of these bridges are located on a state map and color coded so that the responsible agency can be identified. Sensitivity ratings were than given to the bridges in the Tennessee inventory having lead paint as a corrosion protection system. A cost model was developed to determine the removal and containment procedure based on structural type, location, wind and stream condition, and proximity to other structure.

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